By 2441204 - Sunday, February 4, 2024
Most Genealogy programs export witnesses and godparents through ASSO tags, in this format:
1 ASSO @I1048@ 2 TYPE INDI 2 RELA godfather Is it possible import these in Genopro ? Olivier
By genome - Monday, February 5, 2024
It is not currently possible to do this automatically. I'll add it to my 'to do list' and import them via 'Ged2Gno' as a Social Relationship. Until then it will need to be done manually 
p.s. Can't see the TYPE tag under ASSO in GedCom 5.5.1. spec.
By Olivierm - Monday, February 5, 2024
You are right concerning the _INDI tag in ASSO : I do not know why FH adds it. My Family Tree (Chronoplex) does not add it, and I do not see how it is relevant.
By genome - Saturday, February 17, 2024
'Ged2Gno' has now been updated to support ASSO tags and import as Social Relationships. RELAtion values of godfather & godmother are converted to a connection type of 'Godparent of'. Other RELA values and merely imported as a comment since conversion to connection types is not practical.
By Olivierm - Saturday, February 17, 2024
Hello Ron,
You are the Albus Dumbledore of Genopro. The only man who can achieve a main release out of nowhere. :-) It works with some ged files, with others I have some issues. I will send you some examples of gedcoms that generate errors in the next days, but they are not related to the ASSO feature. |
By Olivierm - Saturday, February 17, 2024
I get the following messages when I try to upload a (big) gedcom file generated by FH .
Are the conflicting tags linked to the error messages ?
By genome - Sunday, February 18, 2024
The conflicting tags are not the issue.
It appears to be caused by a NOTE tag cross-referencing a non-existent NOTE record. I have now amended the code to detect and log this and avoid the crash.
By Olivierm - Sunday, February 18, 2024
Thank you very much.