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Configuration dialog skipped due to error in ConfigMsgLocal.xml file
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By Nand - Thursday, April 18, 2024
It took me a while to find out why the configuration dialog was skipped when generating a narrative report (skip flag not set).  It turned out to be caused by a stupid error I made by inserting some comments at the wrong place in the Narrative Report ConfigMsgLocal.xml file.  

    T="Gebruik de vertaallijst om de stamvorm van namen te bepalen?" <!-- NST 2024-04-18, vervang "base of root" door "stamvorm" --> 
    V="2013.04.05±" />

For those of you who - like me - did not see the error, the comment should have been placed at the end, behind the terminating "/>".
The result was that when generating a Narrative Report, the configuration dialog did not pop up, but the generation process continued without stopping and logged the several steps in the log file.  No errors were signalled.  

Not sure if this can be detected during a generation run or not.  Maybe when merging the ConfigMsgLocal.xml files?