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not icons on the life line
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By Jordi-Albert - Wednesday, April 24, 2024
If I run the english Narrative report on this point is working fine, but on the catalan one I miss the icons of Work and residence

i can't find where is te error 
(report run in a new Folder)
By genome - Friday, April 26, 2024
This seems quite strange as the icons are copied from the same source folder if the theme is the same.  It is not possible to diagnose the problem from just an image. Some clue could possibly be obtained by examining the browser's 'Developer Tools console' , so try pressing F12 when you see the issue and look for an errors under the Console tab. 

Are you able to publish a small sample report to so that I can look further?
By Jordi-Albert - Saturday, April 27, 2024
I had a lot of work on this case and I find some points.

on themes.../images   there is no Arrow.gif on the Theme Default and RoseTint
in this one (RoseTint) exist the icons button24.gif and button32.gif

only on the Theme AcornOliveTeal exist the icons: 

By Jordi-Albert - Saturday, April 27, 2024
But  the problem that is not showing the icons in the raport was in another place

the Icon will be selected during the TimelineInfo.vbs program ....  more or less on line 129

     "strImage = Dic.Peek(Timeline" & strEvent)

and I have changed on the Dictionary.xml those entries....


onces I put the old value all the icons are displayed OK.

note: I think, it muss be a note on the Dictionary or to pick out those labels from it