By genome - Saturday, October 8, 2005
I have attached revised template files that modify the 14b templates as follows: 1. Add option to remove family details from individual HTML pages and replace with a link to the associated family page (fHideFamilyDetails in config.xml). 2. Change family page to add summary details of each partner as well as the children. Also change references to wife and husband to partner/wife and partner/husband respectively. 3. If marriage, divorce or separation data is not present then use the family 'relation' field to describe the relationship (see changed Enumerations section of Dictionary). 4. Change Dictionary Enumerations of CauseOfDeath to improve grammar. 5. Add option to not display the marriage type (i.e. religious, civil) in marriage details (fHideMarriageType in config.xml). 6. Deal with the case of one grandparent. 7. Provide for past & present education & occupation. (set 'duration' = 'current' for present education & occupation. As always, there is probably still a bug or three in my code, but that's what beta testing is for! If you want to try them, I suggest you start with a new folder containing copies of the beta 14b templates, then overwrite the corresponding files with my updated versions. To download, right click on each attachment and click 'save target as'
By Howard53 - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Ron, congratulations on the improvements in the language - so far I have not found any errors. I do not particularly like the use of partner/husband or partner/wife in the Individual HTML as I feel the appropriate designation could be picked up from the 'Relation' box under Family Properties; however, when multiple relationships are involved I can see that there may be problems. There is just one small bug I have found - the links to children in the Individual HTML do not work - there appears to be a double reference to ind0000xx.htm#ind0000yy.htm, where ind0000xx is the id of the individual being viewed, and ind0000yy is the id of the child.
By IainTait - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Ron, Thanks and well done, this is exactly what I had hoped for. Just one small thing, I noticed that all the links work except the children on the individual. html . Perhaps an oversight?
By genome - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Yes this was an oversight, the links were still referencing the child on the individual (parent) page and they are no longer there if fHideFamilyDetails is set to "Y". Just a small tweak to lang.vbs cures it, as Dan had all the required code in place all ready. I've updated the attachments above with the amended lang.vbs file.
By IainTait - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Thanks again Ron, This time it is perfect and I will now tweek the fonts etc and then I will at last be able to create a new tree for my web site with all the latest updates! (long overdue!) What would we do without your help?
By MR - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Thanks Ron, great! A small anoyance (can't call it a bug): M. was married once (they were divorced) and now is happily married again. On his family page under the first marrige we read: M. also had another wife named N.
By IainTait - Sunday, October 9, 2005
My test tree came up perfectly, but my main tree for my web site blocked on a family html with this error :- Error at line 176 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'family.F677.htm': Objet requis: 'spouse' Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A01A8 Any idea why ?
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Do you have Beta14b? Some new tags have been added to 14b.
By IainTait - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Yes I do have 14b downloaded in September. Has there been a silent update since 13 Sept? I tried a report with my local tree and it worked fine. It is the big tree that blocked.
By maru-san - Sunday, October 9, 2005
Received the same error message as iaintait.
By Howard53 - Monday, October 10, 2005
iaintait (10/9/2005)
My test tree came up perfectly, but my main tree for my web site blocked on a family html with this error :- Error at line 176 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'family.F677.htm': Objet requis: 'spouse' Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A01A8 Any idea why ? I had the similar errors when I first ran Ron's new report (as well as further errors on later runs). If you go to the appropriate family (I use View Table Layout - Families - make sure the 'id', 'husband' and 'wife' columns are displayed, then select one of the spouses in the family identified by the error message and switch to the tree display) you will find the error in the marriage set-up. I found that the error most commonly occurred when a spouse with multiple marriages was missing a 'Link as Parent' connection to one of the marriages. I also found one case where I had linked a spouse with a 'Link as Child' rather than a 'Link as Parent'. This has turned out to be a most useful check on the integrity of the marriage data.
By IainTait - Monday, October 10, 2005
Thanks for the tip, I will see where get from here. I got it (missing spouses) corrected now. Thanks
By maru-san - Monday, October 10, 2005
Thanks for the tip. Checked on my tree and found that the mother of a girl was not there, only the father. I think a report should be possible even without missing persons.
Realized that on the individual page children are listed according to gender and on the family page according to age or children number, although mentioning first the sons and then the daughters. I think it should be said that the listing of the names is according to gender or age, otherwise it is misleading. My siter saw this report and it was the first thing she corrected.
By MR - Monday, October 10, 2005
Ron, another suggestion on style. The example of the first marriage: Ruth was born on 9-Jun-1913 in Tallinn, Estonia. She died, at the age of 90, on 30-Aug-2003 .......... Ruth also had another husband named X and a son named Y. They had no children. They had no children reffers to the first marriage, so should be placed before "Ruth also had another husband named X and a son named Y."
By genome - Monday, October 10, 2005
I posted amended versions earlier today for Lang.vbs & Dictionary.xml to fix the Error on line 176 problem and also the placement of They had no children. I'll look into the order of children but I prefer to leave MR's first point regarding the tense of the verb and also Howard53's comment re wife/husband/partner until we see what Dan is doing with multiple marriages in Beta 15 to avoid unecessary work.
By IainTait - Monday, October 10, 2005
Hi Ron, I have got the spouse problem sorted as I found several "missing" spouses in parts of the tree supplied in gedcom files and have added "unknown" spouses which cured this. As I have made a tree stopping at the first generation of "living" , I would like to remove the mention "They hve no children yet" as some do but I haven't included them in this version of the tree. Could you tell me how to do this. Appart from this minor problem, your templates are perfect and I will soon be able to update my tree on my web site (two years overdue!)
By MR - Monday, October 10, 2005
Thanks Ron. However I can see no change in the placement of 'they had no children'. How can I verify that I wok with the latest Dictionary.xml?
By genome - Monday, October 10, 2005
Hi Iain, just change a line in Dictionary.xmlfrom <PhNoChildren T="They {0} no children[{?1} yet].{\br}" /> to <PhNoChildren T="[{?0}{?1}]" /> | This leaves the VB Script unchanged.And to MR, The change is in Lang.vbs which should be in the code folder of your skin and should be 20,454 bytes in size.
By MR - Monday, October 10, 2005
Sure it was not in Code... again... It is perfect now!!! Thanks.
By IainTait - Monday, October 10, 2005
Itried it but got 101 erros starting with this:- Loading dictionary.xml... Error at line 466: Invalid attribute syntax for tag <PhNoChildren> Processing template 'init.htm'... LanguageDictionary.Lookup("Title") failed! Unable to find "Family" in language dictionary! Unable to find "Individual" in language dictionary! I tried again with a special test tree for this effect, and this time I just removed the text and the mention on the line above have/had and it was almost OK except that the "had" still pops up and I can't get rid of it. Help! The text is like this now:- <PhFamilyWith T="{3}{0} [{1} ]family with {2}" /> <PhNoChildren T=" {0} [{?1} ].{\br}" /> I removed the middle line completely, but the word "had" still appears!
By genome - Monday, October 10, 2005
oops! so you didn't spot the (not so) deliberate mistake. <PhNoChildren T="[{?0}{?1}] />" should of course be <PhNoChildren T="[{?0}{?1}]" />
Note also the ? in front of 0. This stops had/have appearing. I've corrected the original post as well.
By IainTait - Monday, October 10, 2005
Woopie! It works perfectly, thanks again. I can now try the big tree, and keep my fingers crossed, having added the unknown missing spouses and removed the duplicate unused photos and removed the offending text. I don't know if I might use this text one day, but I prefer to say nothing about unknown children for the moment as it seems to me to be obvious that if I knew of these children, I would include them. In other words, they either hadn't/haven't children or just haven't informed me yet! With the web tree without "living" it is especially useful not to mention further living generations. I have just noticed that the family pages have two types of name such as :- "family.F1465.htm" for the first lot and then :- "family.fam00071.htm" for the following majority. The indevidual pages are all as follows:- "ind14419.htm" In the old report all the family pages had names like:- "fam00071.htm" Any ideas why this is?
By imcon - Monday, October 10, 2005
Howard53 (10/10/2005) This has turned out to be a most useful check on the integrity of the marriage data.Yes - due to the error I found a wrong double marriage in my report. Questiton for Dan: there should be another TOOL (function) to test integrity of the data (marrage, pictures...). Do you plan to implement something for it?
By GenoProSupport - Monday, October 10, 2005
imcon (10/10/2005) Dan: there should be another TOOL (function) to test integrity of the data (marrage, pictures...). Do you plan to implement something for it?I agree. I will take a look at the issue this week.
By Jordi-Albert - Monday, October 10, 2005
imcon (10/10/2005) .. there should be another TOOL (function) to test integrity of the data (marrage, pictures...). For example, on the Help directory exist the MorinTree.gno and on it the family fam00131 don't exist. (yes the family object, but no individuals )
By genome - Thursday, October 13, 2005
I have made further updates to Dictionary.xml and Lang.vbs. See 1st post in this thread for download. This improves reporting of family relation field. e.g. if marriage dates present but relation = 'Divorce' then this is reflected in the narrative. Dictionary also updated to cater for case of only one grandparent being present. (see for more details)
By maru-san - Monday, October 17, 2005
Both "Education and Occupation" needs to be revised in the template for providing past and present situations.
By beraha - Monday, October 17, 2005
maru-san (10/17/2005) Both "Education and Occupation" needs to be revised in the template for providing past and present situations.look at:
By genome - Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I have provided an interim solution to the above by changing the narrative phrases for both education and occupation if the 'duration' field in GenoPro is set to 'current'. The revised files individual.htm & Dictionary.xml have been attached to the 1st post in this topic. These change 'attended' to 'attends' for education entries and 'was' to 'is' for occupation entries.
By rboshuis - Friday, October 21, 2005
Ron, Could it be that the Dictionary.xml file is corrupted on your system? I tried downloading it, and the report runs, but once I try to edit it, I see japanese characters in it. Saving this causing the XML file to become so invalid that the report doesn't run anymore... Kind regards, Ronald
By GenoProSupport - Friday, October 21, 2005
rboshuis (10/21/2005)
Ron, Could it be that the Dictionary.xml file is corrupted on your system? I tried downloading it, and the report runs, but once I try to edit it, I see japanese characters in it. Saving this causing the XML file to become so invalid that the report doesn't run anymore... Yes, it is possible. I noticed it when Ron used PrivateComment="§" in Config.xml. The character § was not UTF-8 (Unicode) encoded causing errors and sometimes displayed as a Japanese or Chinese character.
By GenoProSupport - Friday, October 21, 2005
I have updated the attachment Dictionary.xml to remove the problem. The problem was the encoding of the & in the XML file in the phrase PhMarriage . I substituted the {?8&0} by {?8^0} and {?8&4} by {?8^4} . Internally GenoPro treats the character ^ the same as the AND operator & . The other solution would be to encode the & to & so the content of Dictionary.xml is a valid XML file.
By genome - Friday, October 21, 2005
Thanks for sorting that one out Dan. I did wonder about ^ and & but as & seemed to work OK at my end I left it as that. I will use your modified Dictionary.xml from now on.
By rboshuis - Friday, October 21, 2005
One major request. Can we distinguish between the 'had' plural and the 'had' singular. In English the past tense of 'have' for both singular as well as plural is 'had', and hence the entry in the dictionary is also only a single entry. This is impossible to translate to a lot of foreign languages since they use different words for the singular and plural versions of 'had' tia, rgds, Ronald
By rboshuis - Friday, October 21, 2005
Just to make it clear. The report currently generates: He had two brothers They had three children... translate..... In Dutch the first had would become had, and the second would become hadden. In German the first had would be hatte, and the second would become hatten In french it would be the same as it is in English. i.o.w. no difference. It would always be avait rgds, Ronald
By GenoProSupport - Friday, October 21, 2005
I understand. We have similar issues in French. There is still plenty of work with the report generator and the phrase generator. You are wlcome to share your suggestions to the conversations Translation of narrative phrases using pattern matching and Translation of Phrases in Dictionary.xml.
By beraha - Saturday, October 22, 2005
Is it possible to modify the template by adding an option which will put a "default picture" on each individual page who has no picture at all. something like a "smile face" or anything else like a "Shadow face" This will encourage family members to send their real picture.
By rboshuis - Saturday, October 22, 2005
By rboshuis - Sunday, October 23, 2005
Dan, I am currently having a huge amount of pictures (1000+) that are being referred to by the individuals. Since it becomes very difficult to handle these in a single directory, I have combined them in specific subdirectories. However, due to the naming scheme of Genopro I need to be extremely careful not to name the picture the same as another one in another subdirectory. The subdirectories are removed from the path and therefore files with the same name in different directories, cause a name clash, which Genopro doesn't anyway report. Would there be a possibility to include the large subdirectory name as part of either the full path (so also create a subdirectory in the target folder or include that name as part of the filename. tia, rgds, Ronald
By IainTait - Sunday, October 23, 2005
I also like the idea of a default photo for the same reasons that I would like to incite people to send in their real photos. Another thing that could be usefull would be to have a way of grouping the photos from several different trees with the same ancestors in to one folder to avoid have the same ancestor's photos duplicated in each tree which would save space. With the old genopro I did this manually and had one folder "pictures" on my site and I added the appropriate part to the photo links to point to this folder, but unfortunately the new version is so complicated that it would be difficult to do this manually and would take ages!
By genome - Sunday, October 23, 2005
My suggestion is that the folder tree of pictures for the Web report mirrors that which the user has used in GenoPro. i.e. simply use the relative path already present within GenoPro. Also it would be good if GenoPro could produce copies of the pictures in lower resolutions to match the display format (e..g 250x250 & 100x100) used in the reports. This would greatly improve viewing performance particularly when large numbers of photos are present. The higher resolution picture would still be required for when the viewer clicks on a picture to enlarge it. Regarding the 'substitute' picture to be used when no picture is present, e.g. portrait silhouette or smiley. I wonder the table views within GenoPro could be extended to add the 'primary picture' column. It should be possible for those requiring this feature to use paste or find & replace to set this field to the required default.
By beraha - Monday, October 24, 2005
Ron (10/23/2005) Regarding the 'substitute' picture to be used when no picture is present, e.g. portrait silhouette or smiley. I wonder the table views within GenoPro could be extended to add the 'primary picture' column. It should be possible for those requiring this feature to use paste or find & replace to set this field to the required default.I thought that it was possible to add an "IF" command on each "Individual page" to check if that person has a photo, and if not - to place a default photo instead directly to the template. No need to change any code inside genopro.exe. One default photo for males, and another one for females
By GenoProSupport - Monday, October 24, 2005
rboshuis (10/23/2005) Would there be a possibility to include the large subdirectory name as part of either the full path (so also create a subdirectory in the target folder or include that name as part of the filename.I think GenoPro already have provisions to this. The parameter _PathPictures in Config.xml is for that purpose. This parameter defines where the pictures are located in the generated report. By default, the pictures are copied to the destination report in the sub folder named "Pictures". If you have a server dedicated for pictures, or a folder already containing all your pictures, you may specify the URL/path where those pictures are located. GenoPro will link to those pictures rather than copy them. This will make the report generation faster in addition to save you disk space. Ron Also it would be good if GenoPro could produce copies of the pictures in lower resolutions to match the display format (e..g 250x250 & 100x100) used in the reports.I have been thinking about this. I will need to design a thumbnail cache, so next time a report is being generated, GenoPro does not have to re-create the thubnails. Producing copies of the pictures at lower resolutions is a great idea, however it will make the report generator extremely slow, because GenoPro will have to load each picture each time it generates a report. beraha I thought that it was possible to add an "IF" command on each "Individual page" to check if that person has a photo, and if not - to place a default photo instead directly to the template. No need to change any code inside genopro.exe.If you supply me two "default pictures", one for male and one for female, I will modify the code and add the option in the template to display a default picture.
By beraha - Tuesday, October 25, 2005
GenoProSupport (10/24/2005) If you supply me two "default pictures", one for male and one for female, I will modify the code and add the option in the template to display a default is a sampe of a face shape of a male that I have found in the internet. I think this photo is subject to copyright. Maybe other users can help to find a suitabe default photo for genopro to use.
By IainTait - Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I have just changed the config.xml and made a test report with the url to my site and it was perfect. Only problem is I must start all my reports again!
By beraha - Tuesday, October 25, 2005
beraha (10/25/2005) Maybe other users can help to find a suitable default photo for genopro to use. Another idea is just to add a default JPG picture with the text: "Sorry, but no photo is available yet" or something like that, as part of the jpg file. Each user will have the ability to replace that picture with another default picture as he likes, by replacing those JPG files to another files. I suggest to make one default photo for males, one for females and even one for pets.
By Howard53 - Wednesday, October 26, 2005
A quick search on turned up these images from, but again it is not clear whether they are copyrighted.
By beraha - Thursday, October 27, 2005
Nice photos A question to Dan: Are you going to integrate those photos or any other default photos in your next beta15 or just add a default blank Jpg file with only a notification that "no picture is available" ? Oh - almost forgot - When beta 15 will be available
By GenoProSupport - Friday, October 28, 2005
I don't plan to include those images yet because I need to verify the copyright. Also, the image format is .jpg which is not the right format for this type of image. The best would be .png or .gif. I am hoing to release Beta15 within a week.
By beraha - Friday, October 28, 2005
GenoProSupport (10/28/2005)
I don't plan to include those images yet because I need to verify the copyright. Also, the image format is .jpg which is not the right format for this type of image. The best would be .png or .gif. I am hoing to release Beta15 within a week. So, can you just put a PNG default photo like this? No problems with Copyrights, and each user will be able to replace that default PNG file as he likes. If it's not a complex task, it will be nice to have that option on beta 15 P.s- I saw that genopro support use this image: It can be a good idea as well
By rboshuis - Friday, October 28, 2005
GenoProSupport (10/28/2005) The image format is .jpg which is not the right format for this type of image. The best would be .png or .gif.Dan, out of curiousity, why do you believe jpeg's are not the right format?
By GenoProSupport - Saturday, October 29, 2005
rboshuis (10/29/2005) Dan, out of curiousity, why do you believe jpeg's are not the right format?The JPEG format does an outstanding job for pictures, however it performs very poorly for logos and anything with sharp edges such as text and/or screenshots. Try to take a screenshot and save it to a .jpg, .gif or .png. You will see the .png format produces the best result in both quality and smaller file size. The .gif format may produce an identical result if your screenshot contains less than 256 colors.
By beraha - Friday, November 11, 2005
Will the "default picture" feature be available in beta 15b? Even if it's just a temporary PNG file with the text: "No photo is available yet"?
By beraha - Sunday, November 13, 2005
I'm not sure if it is a professional code to add a default photo, when no photo of the individual is available (I'm not a programmer ) - But it works on my computer 1. First, I added 2 new images to the image folder: male.jpg and female.jpg, like the samples which was sent to this topic a few days ago by Howard53 2. then, I added this code in the individual.htm file after the line: WriteHtmlPicturesLarge i, "right", "" if (i.Pictures.count=0) then if (i.gender="Male") then ]%> <div style='clear:right;float:right;width:205;'> <img src='images/male.jpg' width='135' height='148' class='pic' style='margin:0px 36px 0px 21px;' onclick='viewPic(this.src)' alt='male'/></div> </div> <%[ End if if (i.gender="Female") then ]%> <div style='clear:right;float:right;width:205;'> <img src='images/female.jpg' width='135' height='148' class='pic' style='margin:0px 36px 0px 21px;' onclick='viewPic(this.src)' alt='female'/></div> </div> <%[ End if End if and it worked
By GenoProSupport - Sunday, November 13, 2005
Just a few comments: - You should use instead of i.gender . The field i.gender may be translated to any language. - Instead of repeating the code, you should write
<img src='images/NoPicture_@[]@.jpg' ... /> . This will substitute the "NoPicture_M.jpg" or "NoPicture_F.jpg". - Remove the
onclick='viewPic(this.src)' since you do not want people to click on the default picture.
There are many issues having a default picture. - Should the default picture be displayed everywhere, including the parents and children? For instance, should a family of 5 children display the default picture 5 times if there are no picture at all.
- What about the size of this picture. Some pictures are displayed at 100x100 while others are displayed at 248x248. Shrinking the default picture will not look good.
- What about the aspect ratio of the picture. From your code, you hardcoded the dimension of 135x148. What if the user changes the picture to another size?
I have been thinking of a solution with a parameter like _DefaultPicture="NoPicture.jpg" . GenoPro would automatically load the file NoPicture.jpg during the initialization of the report and would supply this picture automatically to any collection of pictures. In other words, the i.Pictures.Count would never return 0, so there would be no code to modify. Having the picture loaded, it would possible to know the picture dimension while generating the report, thus solving the problem of the aspect ratio. Additionally, there could be other parameters such as _DefaultPicture_M="NoPicture_M.jpg" and _DefaultPicture_F="NoPicture_F.jpg" to specify the default picture for each gender. GenoPro would supply the proper picture depending on the gender. There is the issue of hyperlinking to the default picture, but I think this can be solved too.
By beraha - Monday, November 14, 2005
Thank you for your comments. In my opinion, the best way is to put a default picture only on the primary pictures of the individual. And just maybe - also in the wife's/husband's pictures. There is no need to put default pictures on the children section. Since it is possible to achieve this task from the "skin" itself, without changing any code inside genopro - maybe it is the best way to leave it that way. So - anyone can decide what they want to do in that matter. There is no problem of the aspect ratio, because you use the same default photo all the time, and you can fix its size as a permanent size. just don't cancel the option to get a result such as: if ( = 0 ) then , because it is the most important condition in that code. Whatever you decide to be the best approach in that matter, I'm sure your solution will be the best.
By GenoProSupport - Monday, November 14, 2005
beraha (11/14/2005) just don't cancel the option to get a result such as: if ( = 0 ) then , because it is the most important condition in that code.It is true the picture count would always be greater than zero, however it would be possible to determine if this is the default picture by having an empty collection of Dependents. Set oPicture = i.Pictures.Primary If (oPicture.Dependents.Count > 0) Then ' Regular picture Else ' Default picture End If |
By IainTait - Monday, November 14, 2005
This is great news, but could I do this in the skin, and if so, where do I put the code? Maybe Ron could have a go at this as he has shown a great talent for reworking the skins!?
By beraha - Monday, November 14, 2005
iaintait (11/14/2005)
This is great news, but could I do this in the skin, and if so, where do I put the code? Maybe Ron could have a go at this as he has shown a great talent for reworking the skins!? Have you seen the code I have published? I have changed only the Individual.htm, and it was very easy. Here is a sample from my website:
By IainTait - Monday, November 14, 2005
Sorry, yes I have seen the code and tried it and of course it worked. I would now, however do the same thing with the family page if possible as the individual page is super.
By IainTait - Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I have adapted the female jpg and found another male image of a similar style and added the text to it.Here they are in case anyone can use them. I would still like to add these to the family page as well, but can't see whereto add the code as used in the individual page.
By beraha - Tuesday, November 15, 2005
iaintait (11/15/2005) I have adapted the female jpg and found another male image of a similar style and added the text to it.Here they are in case anyone can use them. Thank you I like those images very much.