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Printing the family tree

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Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 - Post #12514
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jcguasp (8/17/2006)
Beta 18, as per Genopro "What's next" section statement should have an improved printing routine:
  • Beta18: Complete the dialogs Address, Contact, Occupancy
    - Improve the print dialog to use a scale factor rather than the number of horizontal and vertical pages.  Each GenoMap will be capable to store its own print settings.
  • I suppose you'll get an accurate answer to your question when Genopro is back from their short break in a couple of days time.

    The new printing module will be done for version 2.0, however we will be releasing Beta 18 a bit earlier so you can test the Occupancy record.  The occupancy record is a combination of an address and a contact information.

    Edited: Friday, August 18, 2006 by GenoProSupport

    Posted Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - Post #13239
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    When printing a large family tree in a printshop, please remember to strip colors and fills (if you do not want to pay extra for large color output) as you do not know which colors come out dark, rendering text unreadable.
    CutePdf works just fine, but remember to minimise borders. Go first to your print shop, and ask what size paper(rolls) they use and what might suit you. Then adjust papersize in CutePdf printer (properties/advanced) near that. Do so, because most can scale your PDF to fill the paper but at a cost of sharpness.
    My largest commercial print is now 130 x 90 cm (standard architectural width). With 1600 persons ( 25 generations) they are barely readable. With 300 persons ( 17 generations) they are readable, but not large. With 100 persons (8 generations) even the elderly could read them.
    Thanks for the great output, your program was applauded in our clan meeting!
    Posted Thursday, September 21, 2006 - Post #13280
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    Printing tip.  When I first started printing out genomaps I was using single sheets (A4) and a lot of sellotape.  Then I discovered a box of wide fan-folded paper (with sprocket holes) and scrounged a wide inkjet printer (Epson 1520).  Trick is to set the printer to 'banner' printing, which means it with then print continuously, so that a tree the full width of a genomap will print out in one long fanfolded series of sheets.  So dont go spending your hard-earned money at print shops.

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