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Hi,I been working in the Spanish Translation of Dictionary.xml and it's done at 100% with a few changes that I made to Lang.vbs, and I'm keeping updated with each new version, but in the new version (GenoPro, I found that there's no way to translate the word "Partner" in some sections of the report (in the family index or in family main titles), I think there should be a tag in Dictionary.xml to change it or something like that. <!-- The _FmtHusbandAndWife tag is used to format a string such "André & Hélène" or "André & Wife" --> <_FmtHusbandAndWife T="{0} & {1}" /> <!-- 0=husband name, 1=wife name --> <_Husband T="Husband" /> <_Wife T="Wife" /> <_Partner T="Partner" /> <_NoName T="<Unknown>" /> Regards Hugo
Edited: Thursday, January 18, 2007 by
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Hi Hugo,I Have not previously responded to this post because as you suggest, the problem lies with GenoPro itself, not the report skin. The Tag Family.Name seems to be set internally to 'name & Partner' for an unmarried couple where one partner's name is unknown. I believe the correct solution is close to what you propose with a change to Dictionary.xml and GenoPro then doing the lookup internally as part of the Family.Name property. I would however change the Dictionary as follows to allow for masculine & femine forms: <!-- The _FmtHusbandAndWife tag is used to format a string such "André & Hélène" or "André & Wife" --> <_FmtHusbandAndWife T="{0} & {1}" /> <!-- 0=husband name, 1=wife name --> <_Husband T="Husband" /> <_Wife T="Wife" /> <_Partner_M T="Partner" /> <_Partner_F T="Partner" /> <_Partner_P T="Partner" /> <_Partner_ T="Partner" /> <_NoName T="<Unknown>" />
With this Dictionary change in place it is possible to 'botch' a couple of files in the skin to use these entries. i.e. change Lang.vbs as follows: change line 252 from strSpouseType = Dic("Partner") to strSpouseType = Dic.LookupEx("_Partner_",spouse.Gender.Id) and line 898 from Report.WriteFormattedLn strFmtTemplateName, StrHtmlImgFamily(f), f.Href, f.Name, StrHtmlImgPhoto(f) to Report.WriteFormattedLn strFmtTemplateName, StrHtmlImgFamily(f), f.Href, Replace(f.Name," Partner"," " & Dic.LookupEx("_Partner_",Util.IfElse(f.Parents(0).Name="",f.Parents(0).Gender.Id,f.Parents(1).Gender.Id))), StrHtmlImgPhoto(f)
and also family.htm as follows: change line 9 from strName = f.Name to strName = Replace(f.Name," Partner", " " & Dic.LookupEx("_Partner_",Util.IfElse(f.Parents(0).Name="",f.Parents(0).Gender.Id,f.Parents(1).Gender.Id))) |
But hopefully Dan will provide an internal solution. Update: revised code.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 by
Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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Ron (1/24/2007)
Hi Hugo, I Have not previously responded to this post because as you suggest, the problem lies with GenoPro itself, not the report skin. The Tag Family.Name seems to be set internally to 'name & Partner' for an unmarried couple where one partner's name is unknown. Hi Ron, Thank you very very much, It works great! Sincerely Hugo
Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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Ron (1/24/2007) But hopefully Dan will provide an internal solution. No internal fix in problem still there, perhaps in (I hope Dan keep it in ToDo list) : Hugo PS. The temporary code provided by Ron is working excellent!
Edited: Thursday, March 1, 2007 by
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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I will take care of this in the multi-lingual version of GenoPro. There are lots of things to revise to create a true multi-lingual product.