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Kinship, or blood relationship, calculator

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Author find out how one individual in your tree is related to another
Posted Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - Post #22844
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In a desperate attempt to stem further decline in the cells of my grey matter I have spent a couple days exercising them Hehe; putting together a script to determine blood relationships between individuals in a .gno file that may be of some use to other users.

It is written as a custom skin, so just unzip the files in the attachment to this post into a folder 'Kinship Calculator' under your GenoPro Skins folder. (See 'Options' tab of GenoPro's Tools/Generate Report dialog to discover or change where your GenoPro custom skins are held.

To use it, simply select the two, and only two, individuals for whom your require blood relationship details on their respective GenoMaps and then run thescript via the GenoPro Tools/Generate Report dialog, selecting Kinship Calculator from the drop down list of skins. If the two individuals are on the same genomap then selecting that genomap in the drop down list in the 'Report Data Source' field will sped up the report.

At present it does not report relationships with 'in-laws' or by marriage, nor the reciprocal of non symmetrical relationships e.g. sister/brother for brother/sister or aunt/uncle for nephew/niece, but maybe I'll add these later.

An HTML chart is produced inthe 'Destination folder for generated report' showing the lineage between te two selected individuals and their common ancestor(s).

Unfortunately it is a bit long-winded having to run the Report Generator for each onewhen youwant to check several relationships.

If one day GenoPro implements the previously mooted 'macro' facility then perhaps there could be a shorter way of doing this.

Update 2008/10/22 now caters for half blood relatives and in-laws (related by marriage or other union)
Update 2008/11/16 added HTML report showing lineage/pedigree chart of the relationship.
Update 2008/11/18 further fixes.
Update 2008/11/19 added date formatting section to Dic.
Update 2008/11/26 another revision.
Update 2008/11/27 (f) pour les cousins français
Update 2008/12/04 (g) generate valid XHTML + bug fixes & ease some translation issues.
Update 2008/12/12 (j) more bugs and translation issues resolved

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn" (589 views, 20.35 KB)

Edited: Monday, August 15, 2016 by GenoProSupport
Posted Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - Post #22845
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My grey cells shiver at such a thought.

Two comments.
I have over 30 GenoMaps on my main tree and the first time I tried it, it reported more than two selections. Is there a simple way to clear all selections? or restrict the report to the visible map.

Second I ran a trial and got this result

Peter John Beaven is the 3x great grandson of Betty d_Joshua Beaven.
Thomas Mitchell & Betty d_Joshua Beaven are 3x great grandparents of Peter John Beaven.

However Betty had another son by a different father and this reports that we are not blood related. Is this correct? You will gather that I am not a genealogist as I would know if this was the correct answer

Posted Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - Post #22846
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appleshaw (10/15/2008)
Is there a simple way to clear all selections? or restrict the report to the visible map.

From the Edit menu, select Clear selections in all GenoMaps.

Posted Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - Post #22848
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appleshaw (10/15/2008)
Is there a simple way to ............ restrict the report to the visible map.

Yes, select that genomap in the drop down list under Report Data Source

Betty had another son by a different father and this reports that we are not blood related. Is this correct? You will gather that I am not a genealogist as I would know if this was the correct answer.

I'm no genealogist either. Betty's other son is a half-brother. At present the report does not consider half-blood relationships e.g. half-brothers half-cousins etc. I will look into the possibility, but for now the message should perhaps read 'are not full blood relatves'

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 by Ron
Posted Thursday, October 16, 2008 - Post #22866
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Have tested this report, but have a suggestion. A "cousin" can be male or female, however this is not reflected in the report. I think this is valid for many other languages.
Posted Friday, October 17, 2008 - Post #22870
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To use it, simply select the two, and only two, individuals for whom your require blood relationship details on their respective GenoMaps and then run the script via the GenoPro Tools/Generate Report dialog, selecting Kinship Calculator from the drop down list of skins.

Hi Ron,

I have used this facility in Legacy in the past though finding the relatives to choose was not easy.

I have a problem with your invention in that I can't seem to "select" two people.

Perhaps you could indicate how to do this.

This idea is a great one and will be very handy when finished.

Posted Friday, October 17, 2008 - Post #22872
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IainTait (10/17/2008)

I have a problem with your invention in that I can't seem to "select" two people.

Perhaps you could indicate how to do this.

Select the 1st individual on the genomap with a mouse click, then, without clicking anywhere else on the genomap first (which would cause deselection of the 1st individual), hold down the Shift key whilst clicking on the 2nd individual. The 2nd individual can be on a different GenoMap, just click the tab for the required genomap before selecting the 2nd individual.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, October 17, 2008 - Post #22873
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maru-san (10/17/2008)
A "cousin" can be male or female, however this is not reflected in the report. I think this is valid for many other languages.

I haven't considered all 'localization' issues as yet. I will add two extra params to all the narrative phrases giving the gender ID (M, F, or P) of the two individuals concerned so that it can be tested directly in the phrase.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Saturday, October 18, 2008 - Post #22877
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Thanks Ron, I finally got it to work.
Posted Saturday, October 18, 2008 - Post #22879
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Ron (10/17/2008)
maru-san (10/17/2008)
A "cousin" can be male or female, however this is not reflected in the report. I think this is valid for many other languages.

I haven't considered all 'localization' issues as yet. I will add two extra params to all the narrative phrases giving the gender ID (M, F, or P) of the two individuals concerned so that it can be tested directly in the phrase.

Have made this modification for German and it works just fine.

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