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Suggestions on Contextual Toolbar

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Author Proposal for implementation of Contextual Toolbar
Posted Monday, August 31, 2015 - Post #35543
Famous Writer

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The Contextual Toolbar is certainly a good idea.

In my view, however, it could be implemented  with the following functions:
"Link as Child", "Link as Parent",  and "Link as Mate/Spouse", as in the image:

The function "Link as Mate / Spouse" may be equal to the current CTRL+M.

function "Link as Parent"  (for connecting an individual to an existing line of family as Parent) should not appear if there is already a similar link for that individual.

function "Link as Child" (to connect the individual to an existing line of family, as Son) should not appear if there is already a similar link for that individual.

Better able to select and connect all the selected children to an existing line of family as well:

Or better yet, not to be confused with the twins, so:


Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
Posted Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - Post #35555
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Thank you for your suggestion Vittorino.  I like the idea.  Do you plan to use this function a lot, and in which context? For example, do you need to use this function after importing a file, or it is the way you build your family tree?
Posted Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - Post #35561
Famous Writer

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Thanks for taking into account the proposal.
Almost never use the function "Add parents / spouse / Son" because they are created by default always individuals with no border, no last name, no place of birth and always alive. I rather serve individuals with a border, a certain background-color, and almost always dead, and with the same last name and same birth place of the previous individual.
So I proceed always with copy and paste a previous individual, edit the data and then create the appropriate links. Now it is also habitude!

Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"

Edited: Wednesday, September 2, 2015 by vlepore
Posted Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - Post #35563
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I understand the usefulness of copy & paste.  I am sure you are not alone using this technique.  What about having a function named "New Sibling" where it would create a sibling using the selected individual as a "template" (color, last name, etc).  I am asking because in GenoProX, I am considering changing the behavior of the copy & paste to create hyperlinks, unless explicitly selected "Paste as a Copy".
Posted Thursday, September 3, 2015 - Post #35572
Famous Writer

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Certainly also a new function "new Sibling", to create a sibling with the individual selected as a "model", is auseful solution to the problem.

Modifiy copy & paste? But I would not change the meaning of ctrl +C and ctrl+V!
The current functions "New Hyperlink " and "Move to Genomap" work fine. The only problem is the excessive number of genomaps to show, respect to the screen dimensions.

What I think is still lacking, is
the possibility to link two individuals in the same genomap or in different genomaps, with a internal hyperlink, choosing which of the two unify data.
This is the case:

Select the two individuals, then right-click on the second individual+ "Unify to the object pointed", and this should be the result:

This option should also connect to a function “Search for Duplicates”.

much easier said than done!

Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"

Edited: Thursday, September 3, 2015 by vlepore
Posted Thursday, September 3, 2015 - Post #35573
Legendary Master

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The hyperlinks of GenoPro 2007-2016 have been a hack by creating two individuals where one points to another individual.  This has been fixed in GenoProX.  As for merging individuals, the new interface of GenoProX will display the properties of selected objects and by adding a few buttons between the property panels, one will be able to transfer data from one object (typically individual) to another object just by clicking on a button.

The following screenshots shows an idea still under development, and the interface to build family trees will be improved a lot.  Roberto is working on a new user interface, and Ron and I are working on the underlying data model for events and roles, so people may better document them:
  • Birth event with roles such as doctor, midwife, witnesses.
  • Death & funeral event with roles and witnesses.
  • Religious events such as baptism, christening with roles/officiators and witnesses.
  • Events about education and occupation
  • Events about awards
  • Events regarding the emotional relationships
  • Events such accidents, doctor visits, etc.
  • Roles within an organization (professor, student, employee, president, etc)

The screenshot below shows two panels when selecting two individuals to merge information.  This code is not yet implemented, however I posted this screenshot to show what I have in mind to compare and/or merge individuals.  Having 2 or 3 panels will be very useful with the collaboration module to see what other contributors have modified within the family tree, perhaps using color codes to show what has been added, modified and deleted.

Edited: Thursday, September 3, 2015 by GenoProSupport

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