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Author Wow you have really done some fantastic things to the report generator.
Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - Post #8961
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First of all I ran a report last night for the first time since coming back to geno pro after about 6 months.  I almost cried it was so beautiful.  Wow you have really done some fantastic things to the report generator

As you know from one of my last postings that I had lost my hard drive but saved my family tree to a floppy.  I reinstalled the software and made some updates adding names of family members that I did not previously have, so I just called them siblings. So I made the changes, saved everything and then ran that beautiful report.   For some reason the report did not recognize that I had names now for those individuals previously called siblings.   The report is still calling those individuals siblings although I have given them names and saved everything prior to running the report. 

If you can understand what I just stated can you please tell me what I am doing wrong. 

I can't tell you how happy I am with this software.  I LOVE IT.BigGrin  I am going to purchase the updated version once my 30 days is up but I wanted to know can I buy it somewhere or do I have to download it?

Thanks ever so much.

Edited: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 by GenoProSupport

Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - Post #8962
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Glad you made a backup on a floppy disk.  Every week I receive emails from people who lost their entire drive and have no backups.  There is nothing GenoPro can do in those situations Crying.

Angelsing (10/25/2005)
The report is still calling those individuals siblings although I have given them names and saved everything prior to running the report.

You need to detach those individuals from the family (horizontal) line.  The report generator does assume two individuals having the same parents as siblings. 

Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - Post #8963
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Dan forgot to answer your question about how to purchase. You do not need to download anything else. To obtain a key to give you access to future updates, click on the Help page in GenoPro and then on the button Buy GenoPro Now - and join the club!
Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - Post #8964
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This is true.  You don't need to download and re-install after purchasing GenoPro.  If you click on the button "Buy GenoPro Now" from the registration dialog, GenoPro will open your browser to with your name and email you provided.

Your key will give you free upgrades of all Betas as well as all GenoPro 2.x (when available).

Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - Post #8965
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You say I need to detach the individuals from the horizontal line.  How do I do that?Ermm

Secondly,  Is it possible to purchase the software in a box with instructions at all? BigGrin

Thanks very much.

Posted Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - Post #8968
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Angelsing (10/25/2005)
You say I need to detach the individuals from the horizontal line.  How do I do that?

Select the vertical lines (pedigree links) and press on the Delete keyboard button.

Secondly,  Is it possible to purchase the software in a box with instructions at all?

A boxed version is not yet available due to the frequent number of updates.  If you want GenoPro on a CD/DVD, you are welcome to download & burn GenoPro yourself.  This will be cheaper and quicker.  The instructions will be re-written for version 2.0.  You will love the new context-sensitive online help of version 2.0.

Posted Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - Post #8970
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GenoProSupport (10/25/2005)
You will love the new context-sensitive online help of version 2.0.

What? It's the first time that I've seen this idea. Can you explain what do you want to do?

(I'm thinking on the translation problem.....)

Edited: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 by GenoProSupport

Posted Wednesday, October 26, 2005 - Post #8972
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Jordi-Albert Batalla (10/26/2005)
What? It's the first time that I've seen this idea. Can you explain what do you want to do?

This is a new concept to deliver help.  I have been thinking about this online help for almost two years.  This new help system will address the following issues:

  1. Relevance.  Display to the user useful help according to his/her usage level of GenoPro.  No need to read a full page of help when someone wants to know what a checkbox or a button does.
  2. Quality.  The help will include color, bold, underline and display data from your family tree (similar to the report generator).
  3. Quantity.  The help will be descriptive with links to other help elements so the user can learn more about the topic or similar topics if desired.
  4. Localizable.  The translation of the help into a foreign language will as simpla as translating the text in an XML file.

Internally, GenoPro will use a "mini report generator" to generate an HTML help according to the context of the requested help.

Posted Thursday, October 27, 2005 - Post #9007
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GenoProSupport (10/26/2005)
This is a new concept to deliver help.  I have been thinking about this online help for almost two years.  This new help system will address the following issues:
  1. Relevance.  Display to the user useful help according to his/her usage level of GenoPro.  No need to read a full page of help when someone wants to know what a checkbox or a button does.
  2. Quality.  The help will include color, bold, underline and display data from your family tree (similar to the report generator).
  3. Quantity.  The help will be descriptive with links to other help elements so the user can learn more about the topic or similar topics if desired.
  4. Localizable.  The translation of the help into a foreign language will as simpla as translating the text in an XML file.

Internally, GenoPro will use a "mini report generator" to generate an HTML help according to the context of the requested help.

This sounds really great. Will the online help will be also available offline in case the user is not connected to the internet?

Posted Thursday, October 27, 2005 - Post #9008
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Sorry, I was unclear.  The help will not requiring a connection to the Internet.

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