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Emailing Genograms

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Author How do we email the genograms?
Posted Thursday, November 3, 2005 - Post #9107
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Last Login: Monday, January 15, 2007
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I am a college professor. Some of my students have used Genepro (probably the trial version) to construct their genogram for a class assignment. Two of them have emailed those to me as an email attachment. I have Genepro Gold installed on my computer. But when I try to open the email attachments I get the following error message "Unable to read from storage...(path) Unsupported file format. If you get this message it is because you have been using a version of Genopro that was for debugging purposes. There is a possibility that you recover your data if you ask the author for a special tool."

Is it possible to do what these students are trying to do? If so how do we do it?


Posted Thursday, November 3, 2005 - Post #9108
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This message is displayed when GenoPro 1.99 (or earlier) is attempting to open a .gno file created with GenoPro Beta.  The solution is to download the latest beta from to open the .gno file.

GenoPro 1.99b displays a better message, however you still need GenoPro Beta to open the .gno file created by the beta.  The benefit of version 1.99b is the display of a more descriptive error message with the exact beta version to download for opening the .gno file.

I realize this is a problem when exchanging files by email when users (students) are using different versions of GenoPro.  When I put GenoPro Beta available for download, I never expected so many individuals using GenoPro Beta to to create genograms and/or grow their family trees.  So far, the beta has been downloaded over 70,000 times and counting...

The good news is this problem will be fixed when GenoPro 2.0 will be available.  I have postponed some features to have version 2.0 ready for January 2006.  Emailing .gno files using version 2.0 will be a breeze.

Edited: Friday, November 4, 2005 by GenoProSupport

Posted Thursday, November 3, 2005 - Post #9109
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Last Login: Monday, January 15, 2007
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Thanks for such a quick reply. I tried what you suggested and of course it worked. Since I teach, amongst other things, a Family Systems course, this software is a wonderful tool for students in creating their own genograms which is an integral assignment in the course. I expect that most family systems courses would require something similar which is likely why you have gotten a lot more downloads than you expected.

Thanks for a great software tool. I look forward to the next version.

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