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Author It works great with IE but Firefox continually asks me what to do with the file (download, run etc) whenever the pane with the family tree diagram is opened.
Posted Monday, February 20, 2006 - Post #10368
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Just FYI, I've been testing new Netscape 8.1 on my comp, and it's altough it  (supposedly) has a firefox engine, it's uncapable of viewing SVG. I tried opening SVG test page, and it reports missing plug-in, but won't download...

"εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)
Posted Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - Post #10385
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appleshaw (2/20/2006)
After several clicks it then started a series of minor moves. Obviously it takes some time for the instruction to cross the Atlantic and for the data to return. Is it possible to cache the data to speed up this process?

The clicks on SVG are local scripts.  Once the SVG (or svgz) file is downloaded, everthing runs locally.

Finally, belated congratulations on the setting up and operation of familytrees. The initial upload of files took less than 10 minutes (plus a bit for pictures). When I changed a couple of files it took hardly any time at all, only sending files that had been changed. Impressive; to load the same files with ftp to my ISP takes 3 to 4 times as long (if not more)

Thanks.  The new update, Beta 15g, display better statistics, including unmodified files.  The good news is there is some room for improvement.  I am confident I can speed up the report generator by a factor of 2x to 3x, depending on the type of report.  Since I have to focus on releasing version 2.0, I will do those optimizations after GenoPro 2.0 has been localized and the new AutoArrange completed.

Edited: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 by GenoProSupport

Posted Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - Post #10389
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I have found that there is a big difference in panning performanace when using IE6 or FireFox1.5. Using IE (after downloading SVG Viewer 3.0) the panning is fine.

Using FireFox it is dreadfully slow and almost unusable. I have copied both the Adobe dlls to the Firefox plugin directory, and also tried renaming them in case they conflict with FireFox.

I have not been able to check the performance of earlier versions as my ISP has lost all of my web files!. Local versions did not help either.

Any suggestions out there?
Posted Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - Post #10391
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Have reported this once before:

The last character (japanese, vertical) at the bottom is not in line with the upper ones.

Edited: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 by GenoProSupport
Posted Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - Post #10400
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appleshaw (2/21/2006)
I have found that there is a big difference in panning performanace when using IE6 or FireFox1.5. Using IE (after downloading SVG Viewer 3.0) the panning is fine.

Using FireFox it is dreadfully slow and almost unusable. I have copied both the Adobe dlls to the Firefox plugin directory, and also tried renaming them in case they conflict with FireFox.
I agree the performance of Firefox with its built-in SVG engine is poor but I took the view that something is better than nothing. It is implemented using a Javascript and as Dan says has nothing to do with the speed of the server its was loaded from.  I am still looking for alternative ways of panning with Firefox as and when I get the time. As I have mentioned before, if you hold down the mouse button over the green direction arrow the 'speed' will appear to increase as biggers jumps are made. If you just click up and down this effect is lost. Also the fewer Drawing objects on each GenoMap the better the speed.

I did try a zoom and pan Firefox extension but it does not work with frames and its performance is not any better.  Maybe the Mozilla guys will look at improving performance once they have implemented the full SVG 1.1 spec.

 If you use the Adobe SVG Viewer with Firefox I believe you have to use the 6.0 beta as the ASV 3 plugin does not work. As well as copying the plugin files you need to disable the built-in Firefox engine. (Type about:config in the location bar and scroll down to find svg.enabled. double click to toggle). However if you do use Adobe with Firefox the direction arrows and the zoom buttons do not work as Adobe does not recognize the Firefox Javascript engine. You will therefore need to use Adobe's built-in zoom & panning.

I also intend to see if a Flash solution is possible if I can get Adobe (who now own MacroMedia) to give me the .SWF file spec.

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Posted Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - Post #10402
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V.L.o (2/20/2006)
Just FYI, I've been testing new Netscape 8.1 on my comp, and it's altough it  (supposedly) has a firefox engine, it's uncapable of viewing SVG. I tried opening SVG test page, and it reports missing plug-in, but won't download...

I just tried Netscape 8.1 but cannot find any reference to a builtin SVG engine. It probably uses the old 1.x Firefox build and not the 1.5.x build that has SVG support. I tried running it with Adobe SVG Viewer (ASV) by copying Adobe's 6.0 beta plugin files to Netscape's plugin folder and although it opened Adobe's test page, as you say with a GenoPro report it prompts for ASV install. The Report uses Adobe's own code to check if ASV is installed (svgcheck.js) and I discovered that a change is required. i.e.

before line 113 that contains:
insert the line

 otherwise overwrite the existing file in your skin folder with the revised script attached. The earlier comments about ASV under Firefox also apply to Netscape.

Another note to Dan to include the attached in the next release please.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - Post #10403
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I made an update of svgcheck.js.  If you download Beta 15g again, you will get the fix.
Posted Saturday, February 25, 2006 - Post #10437
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If you are having problems displaying your .svg tree diagram from your own ISP web site, then the steps I have taken, following Ron's guidance, may give pointers. If your web is based on an Apache server, and they are in a majority, then this may solve your problems.

First identify the server. I used IDServe.exe from Paste the URL you use for your site into the program and it will tell you which system provides the host.

If it is Apache then I used the following file posted into the root of my web space.

AddType image/svg+xml .svg
AddType image/svg+xml .svgz
AddEncoding gzip .svgz

mod_gzip_on No

There was a slight problem with my Ftp program as the filename has to be ".htaccess". When I first transferred the file nothing seemed to happen. I then renamed it on my PC to a conventional file type, eg htaccess. htm which transferred with no problem. I then renamed the file to .htaccess and it appeared to disappear (perhaps I should say disappeared from sight). However it is obviously still there as the files can now be seen without the 'Parsing error' I had before.

If your web server is not Apache then you will need to look at the site given by Ron and follow a similar course. Go to

Finally I think that FireFox 1.5 does not need any of the Adobe plug-ins. I have tried various combinations of the two Abobe dlls and also run without them. It does not seem to matter if they are there or not. However do not disable svg from about:config if the plug-ins are not present. A sure way to crash FireFox the second time you access an svg file
Posted Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - Post #14804
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I also had a problem viewing svgz files. I may be unique in that my tree is on a Zeus web server, which does not support the AddEncoding htaccess directive. For information, I eventually got svgz to work with the following .htaccess directives:
AddType image/svg+xml svg
AddType image/svg+xml svgz
<files *.svgz>
Header Set Content-Encoding gzip
Posted Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - Post #16111
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I am still having trouble getting SVGZ to display correctly under Firefox on an Apache server. When I add the following lines to a .htaccess file, I still get the error below:


# MIME Types

AddType image/svg+xml .svg
AddType image/svg+xml .svgz
AddType application/x-javascript .es
AddType application/octet-stream .gno
AddType image/x-emf .emf
AddType image/djvu .djvu

mod_gzip_on No


XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: http://www.MYSITE.COM/report1/genomapsz/genomap38.svgz
Line Number 1, Column 1:�

Some of the code I pasted above (see FilesMatch lines on this site) is not displaying correctly on this forum.

Edited: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 by Sonnabend

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