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Author Making report modification easier
Posted Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - Post #16904
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It is becoming quite common for people to edit the Home.htm page to allow HTML code to be inserted using the 'description' field in the report generator.

Unfortunately they can only do one or the other...text or HTML.

A new field in the report generator with appropriate code in the 'home.htm' file would allow the use of either/or both HTML and text on this page without editing the file.

Poolzone  a mere cog in a revolution

Posted Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - Post #16940
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A good idea and simple to implement. I'm reluctant to add yet another Config.xml parameter to control this and so I propose to change the home.htm VBScript to look for a 'switch' in the document Description field to indicate it should be treated as HTML rather than plain text. I suggest using the XML 'processing instruction' syntax (<?target processinginstruction>.

So if the Description starts with the string
 the Report Generator will use Report.Write instead of Report.WriteText. I can do the same with the Report Title but obviously users will need to take care over what HTML they place here, but could be used to change font-size, bold, italics etc.

I'll put this in the next update unless anyone comes up with a better idea before then.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 by Ron
Posted Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - Post #16943
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Am I missing something here? You can edit the Description pane of the Report Generator and include both plain text and Html. See
The text for this is:-

To send a message to the author, click on the envelope.Click here to send message

You have to use a Customised Skin using Report.Write instead of Report.WriteText

Or are you discussing something much more advanced?
Posted Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - Post #16946
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Not that advanced, just removing the requirement for a customised skin.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Thursday, March 22, 2007 - Post #16950
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Is there a major difference between Report.Write and Report.WriteText? In an earlier post Dan mentioned there was the possibility of changing this in GenoPro itself, so there would not be a need to use a customised skin in this case. I have not noticed any knock on effects from the change in my Reports, which is not to say they do not occur
Posted Sunday, April 8, 2007 - Post #17291
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Having read other posts about including additional Html in a Narrative Report (can't find the post now!) I have produced a modified Report skin that allows html code to be added to any Description, Comment or Custom Tag field. This can be used for all manner of things - text enhancement, inclusion of extra pictures, links to other pages etc.

 I have borrowed the XML 'processing instruction' syntax for this. (Note that the syntax in my earlier example was incorrect). The 'instructions' have the form <?token params?>, the allowed tokens are html, text & hide.

params is for a future developments, for example language specific text inclusions by setting 'params' equal to a list of language identifiers e.g. <?text FR?> for french text. At present the GenoPro Report Genenerator API does not give access to the Language code of a Report so this part is yet to be implemented.

However for now you can include HTML by prefixing it with <?html?>, you can switch back to standard text by inserting <?text?> and you can hide bits by inserting <?hide?>. (I used 'hide' rather than 'private' simply to keep all tokens to four characters). Thus the Comment/description/Custom Tag containing

<?hide?>you can't see this<?html?><b>I'm bold!</b><?text?> in normal text html tags such as <i> are not actioned
I'm bold! in normal text html tags such as <i> are not actioned
Of course if no 'processing instructions' are present in the text then normal text is assumed. The use of the existing 'private' delimiter character is still supported but not in conjunction with this new syntax. Use </hide?> instead.

Hopefully this feature will be in but you can try the 'Release Candidate' here

I decided to use 'processing instructions' inserted into the text rather than start and end tags because the former was much easier to implement and avoids the possibility of nested tags that I could not see a need for. Also the delimiters <? & ?> are unlikely to occur in normal text.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Sunday, April 8, 2007 - Post #17295
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Excellent Ron,

It may take a while for new users to get to use it, but it makes development and individualisation of the home page so much easier.

Well done, excellent report feature.

Poolzone  a mere cog in a revolution

Posted Monday, April 9, 2007 - Post #17301
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Have just tried and it looks very promising and opens the door to a new reporting style, after users get used to it.

It may even makes some data, which was used as a source record, suitable to put this into comments fields.

Tried one, but the result was not yet satisfactory.

Befor opening the comment underneath of the occupation(Beschaftigung):

After opening the comment (Kommentar):

It shows the comments <?html?> <table> ....right underneath of the pictureID and is covering the other items like education and occupation instead of underneath of the occupation it belongs to. Any comments?

Update: Sorry guys, solved this problem by removing the position style.

Edited: Monday, April 9, 2007 by maru-san
Posted Tuesday, April 10, 2007 - Post #17335
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Have successfully included some flash files into comment fields, after I converted movie clips to flash (swf) and uploaded.
New image mapping is also included (wedding picture of myself).
Posted Thursday, April 12, 2007 - Post #17355
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I have gained the impression from a number of posts on the forum that users are relucant to 'dip their toes in the water' when it comes to using Customized Report skins. There is also a great deal of confusion over customized skins, for example many users don't realize they are using one and others fail to refresh their customised skin when a new version of the skin is released, leading to errors, more confusion and disillusionment.

So I thought perhaps they should be able to customise their Narrative Report 'without getting their feet wet' i.e. no need to create a custom skin. And so I have been a busy bunny over Easter working on some ideas. The result is a new Narrative skin available here.

First thing many users want to do is use their own background image and change fonts etc. So I've added a custom style sheet feature. There is a new Config.xml parameter 'StyleSheet' that can be set via a Document Custom Tag StyleSheet to a file containing the user's replacements for some of standard styles in style.css. I suggest users look at the style.css file generated in their (local) report folder and extract the bits they want to change and add it to their custom style sheet. When the Report is generated the contents of this file will be appended to style.css, replacing any earlier definitions. To replace a background image the file specified in the custom style sheet must exist in the generated Report folder. To do this without using  a custom skin I suggest adding the new background image as a picture to a dummy individual in the GenoPro file. If the image is say background.jpg then it can be specified in the style sheet as pictures/background.jpg. The dummy individual can be excluded from the report by setting the Is label/exclude from report flag under the 'Family' tag of the Individual properties dialogue.
Note also that specific pictures can now be excluded from the main report by setting a new Picture Custom Tag '_Exclude' to "Y".

The next feature is the ability to add custom narrative to individuals, families, pictures, places and sources. Simply place the required narrative in a Custom Tag named _Narrative and this will get added to the report immediately after the standard narrative. This means that all those fascinating anecedotes about people are no longer consigned to live behind the Comments toggle.

The _Narrative tag uses the Custom Markup syntax introduced earlier in this thread. This has now been greatly extended with new functions to add many useful features such as custom 'subsections' (like Occupations, Educations etc.) and custom note entries. There are also easy ways to add photos and to add 'multimedia' links to appear in the 'popup' frame. These can even be used on the home page. The Custom Markup instructions are now:

<?html?>             indicates the following text up to next Custom Markup instruction is HTML
<?text?>             indicates the following text up to next Custom Markup instruction  is plain text
<?hide?>             indicates the following text up to next Custom Markup instruction is not to be generated
<?merge param1 param2 .... paramn?> inserts items specified in param list.

The params in the list are each separated by a space. Each param is either HTML enclosed in double quotes ("....") excluding Custom Markup instructions or Tag Names (custom or standard) which contain HTML and/or Custom Markup instructions.

<?note "subtitle" param1 param2 .... paramn?>  inserts 'note' style collapse/expand item containing content as per param list (see merge above)

<?subsection "subtitle" param1 param2 .... paramn?>  inserts 'subsection' style collapse/expand item containing content as per param list (see merge above)

<?popup "subtitle" "hyperlink text" param1 param2 .... paramn?>  inserts a link "hyperlink text" to a 'popup' frame with "subtitle" as its title containing content as per param list (see merge above)

<?image ref width height?>  inserts an image/photo. 'ref' is either the path to the required image in the generated Report (Web) folder enclosed in double quotes ("...") or the 'ID' of a picture within the .gno file e.g. pic00051. In the latter case the picture may also have an associated image map in its Custom _AreaMap tag. 'width' & 'height' are in pixels and are optional. They must be omitted if the image has an associated image map, otherwise the mapping is invalidated. If omitted the image is shown full size, with scroll bars if required. Using the picture ID means to image gets included in the Report automatically. To get other pictures/images into the Report folder see above regarding the background image.

N.B. At present Custom Tags cannot contain newline characters. So if you prepare your tag contents elsewhere (e.g. in Comment field or by using Notepad) you must remove all newlines before pasting the desired content into the Custom Tag field. If you do not do this then everything after the 1st newline will be ignored. However if you use <?html?> you can still add newlines to the Report using the HTML 'break' tag i.e.  <br/>

The Harry Potter sample report at shows many of these enhancements, including a custom style sheet (sorry about the colours!). The home page shows a custom 'subsection' with embedded 'note' and 'image' instructions. So does the Harry Potter page, but also has a 'popup' link. Download the 'FamilyTree.gno' from there to see how it was done.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Friday, April 13, 2007 by Ron

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