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The current privacy option allows to remove references to living individuals, contacts, etc. This is indeed recommended when publishing a family tree on the web.
One other option would be not to apply any privacy options when generating the HTML report but to generate a full report and try to hide it on a web site in a specific sub-folder which is only known to you and the family members who need to have access to it. The only thing needed further is to avoid having HTML robots accessing and indexing your pages anyhow and making them available on the web in which case they will turn up after a simple search command. Although it is not bullet proof, the w3 consortium provided the following meta directive for this to be provided in the header section of the HTML document.
META name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" (to be enclosed between less than and greater than characters of course but the forum software did not like this, even not between code tags)
Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/appendix/notes.html#h-B.4.1.2
It still depends on the robots to respect this directive or not but I have tried it a few times and it seems to work so far. As an extra precaution you could change the name of the sub-folder from time to time, after informing your family members of course.
Could you add this option to the generate report / privacy menu?
Edited: Friday, April 27, 2007 by
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Place a 'robots.txt' file in your report skin and it will be uploaded when the report is created. I use this on all 'public' and 'private' reports to disallow access of the information to the search robots. I would commend it to be a standard addition to the 'english narrative skin'
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Gamma Moderators Administrators FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers GenoPro version:
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The problem with the robots.txt file is that there is a single file for an entire domain. For example, all publications under familytrees.genopro.com use the same robots.txt. It would be complicated to merge each publication into the same robots.txt file.I think the meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" is a good solution if you want your report online without password but not indexed by search engines.
Edited: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 by
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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The ISP where I have my web site does not allow password protection (no I cannot change to another ISP, it's my employer, ...).Also, it looks as if protecting only default.htm and index.htm(l) is not sufficient. So I wrote a little tool that inserts the ROBOT META tag into every single htm and html file in a folder. The same ISP as mentioned above (no, I still cannot change) also enforces lower-case filenames. Hence, the little tool mentioned above, also provides file name translations into lower case. Looks as if we could use some extra options in the report generator. But for the moment being, I have a work-around.
Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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I don't know if the host of my web site has problems with passwords as I used javascript to create password access html pages for my private trees and they work perfectly.There are several javascript solutions for password access. With Genopro there is no problem.
Edited: Friday, April 27, 2007 by