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The Event Calendar is not translated

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Posted Saturday, August 25, 2007 - Post #18983
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I just installed and noticed the subject in my FR report:

1) My events do not appear. For info, they are all listed within calendarevents.js.

2) The "Filter Events" is not shown.

3) In Genopro Gen Rep panel (Skin Name field), I cannot see the Birthday Listing  {FR}" option.

My apologies if you're still working on this feature.

Thank you,


Posted Sunday, August 26, 2007 - Post #18994
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If find this strange. I have taken the English Narrative skin, copied in your Dictionary & Config.xml files for and updated Dictionary & Config with the Calendar related entries (english) from and running the report on the Harry Potter sample I get:

i.e. months and days of week are translated and events appear OK.

Could you post the Dictionary & Config files you used?

N.B.I have not translated the heading or View Dictionary entries. Also 'Filter Events' is only shown when both Birthdays & Wedding Anniversaries are present, i.e. more than one event type.

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Edited: Sunday, August 26, 2007 by Ron
Posted Sunday, August 26, 2007 - Post #18996
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Thanks Ron for your time.

Here are the files.

Dictionary.xml (568 views, 101.23 KB)
Config.xml (162 views, 14.32 KB)

Posted Monday, August 27, 2007 - Post #19001
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I see that I had omitted to 'javascript encode' the strings from the Dictionary, causing an error when calendarevents.js was executed. ( I find that the Firefox Error Console is the best way to discover this type of problem).  The attached replacement file for the skin fixes this. Note that because the French words for 'birthday' & 'anniversary' are the same, 'anniversaire', then the Filter Events line is not shown unless you change one or both translations e.g. to 'anniversaire de naissance' and/or 'anniversaire de mariage'.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

calendarevents.js (140 views, 3.36 KB)
Posted Monday, August 27, 2007 - Post #19007
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Ron, thanks very much for your update and for your 'anniversaire' trans tip.
I had to modify my trans and it's now working good.

Could you address, if possible, the following:

1) To be able to customize the 1st day of week, i.e. from Sun to Mon. In FR, a week really start on Monday (lundi).
I tried to change, in layercalendar.js, the vars 'SpecialDay' and 'weekdays' but to no avail.
Perhaps the necessity to add up another parameter in config.xml?

2) For my Ind born on the 22nd, it says '0ième ...' because it's his Day of Birth rather than his Birthday. Perhaps something could be corrected, e.g.:
a - to completely remove the entry from the list because it's not a Birthday as such.
b - to change '0ième ...' into simply 'Birth' (naissance).
I personnally favour the later as it's always informative to be able to notice the newborn ones.

3) For my Ind born on the 5th, I cannot get '71ième' instead of '71ière'. Is it because my 'cardinal form' entries, in dic, are missing something? You have my dic entries for checking.


4) I still have garbage in my svghelp.htm file (see my post item 5). In, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>' has not been added. I'll also check the implementation of the other items of the said post when I've got time. I saw item 4 has not been done either but you may have your reason for not doing so.

Finally, this request being rather for Genopro's JC/Dan:

5) Length of the 'Gene Rep Doc Description' field
I've got a rather long descrip taking up about 3/4 of the 'accueil' right pane page (21 lines including 7 blank lines for the EN nar + same for the FR nar). This field being a dual language field ({?EN: ...}{?FR: ...}), my {?FR: ...} nar, being the 2nd input nar in the field, is always truncated when I generate an FR rep.
Request: could the length of this field be increased to about 1.5 time the actual char length?
If not, I'll have to shorten my blablabla.

Thank you,


Edited: Monday, August 27, 2007 by jcguasp

Posted Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - Post #19029
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Thanks once more for your thorough testing JC. I think I have fixed the calendar issues in the attached skin, but as usual more testing appreciated as mine has as yet been limited. Use 'FirstDay' attribute in WeekDays in Dictionary to set 1st day of week. Also need to change _OrdinalFormat_... entries for French translation.

I must have missed your earlier post. I'll look into the points you raised there.

Update 29 Aug 2007: Amended skin

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 by Ron
Posted Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - Post #19032
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Thanks Ron.

I quickly ran a Rep with your new skin and got this error message:

Now an update to my above item No. 5 (for Dan): Gene Rep Doc Desc field:

I tested a bit more and discovered, in fact, that the field char length is OK. The truncation of my nar (EN or FR) is due to the presence of some colons (Smile in the nars. The truncation takes place just at the colon(s) location.

Probably the routine gets confused with the colon in {?FR/EN:...}. If you add up some colons in some 'dual-language' nar, you'll see.

Thank you,


Posted Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - Post #19034
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I am getting the same error

Error at line 44, position 3 (calendarevents.js): El objeto no acepta esta propiedad o método: 'Marriage.Type'

Error de Microsoft VBScript en tiempo de ejecución 800A01B6

Posted Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - Post #19038
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Sorry Blush, my testing was a bit too limited. I used Harry Potter sample that does not have any marriage dates and of course that's where the error was!

By way of atonement I have (hopefully) cleared the other bugs you raised and thanks for your solutions JC. I have also fixed the colon : in the dual language narrative issue.

See my earlier post for updated skin.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 by Ron
Posted Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - Post #19040
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Thanks Ron. Looks good now but will test a bit more.

I however discovered something else with the CalEvent:

a- click on the main CalEvent icon: Cal pops up in the PP. OK

b- untick one of the filter options. Apply changes.

c- click again on the main CalEvent icon. A new pane opens up:

It happens with my EN version uploaded a few days ago in Genopro server but it's the same on my HD with your latest RC2 skin.

Thank you Ron,


Edited: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 by jcguasp

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