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Using Genopro to make a Mailing/Contact List for an Association

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Author Organize the people into "Households" so that mailings can be properly addressed/targetted
Posted Thursday, June 19, 2008 - Post #21931
Famous Writer

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My problem:

I recently started volunteering with a federation of 8 associations.  The members of the associations are the original immigrants and their descendants from a bunch of islands.

They are fairly "old-school", have no database of members, and often resort to hand-writing the addresses for hundreds of envelopes.

I could easily take the existing mailing lists, put them into Excel, and use a Word wizard to generate mailing lists, customized letters, etc.  The problem with Excel is keeping track of marriages, children, grandchildren, deaths, etc.

My idea is the following (I'd like some feedback to see if this is easily workable before I go to any further effort.)

  • Put all the members and their descendants into Genopro, along with their contact info
  • Organize the people into "Households" so that mailings can be properly addressed/targetted
  • Include their names in both English and their original language (that way members can be addressed by their English and non-English names)
  • Use the custom fields to track other data (name days, survey questions, etc)

Is there a way to automate the creation of a mailing list by household?  Can I export it to Excel easily?

Is there a way to send out mass e-mails easily without having to re-enter all the email addresses into another application?

Thanks in advance.

Edited: Thursday, June 19, 2008 by GenoProSupport

Posted Thursday, June 19, 2008 - Post #21932
Legendary Master

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My suggestion would be to use the report generator to export your contact list.  If you wish, you can generate a CSV (Comma-separated Values) you can then import into a spreadsheet or a database.  Another option is to generate a simple XML file with the contact information to import into a spreadsheet or a database.

I created a sample report skin to generate an HTML document listing the emails:

var colIndividualSorted = Individuals.SortBy("Name.Last, Name.First");
// Loop through all individuals sorted by name
for (var iIndividual = 0; iIndividual < colIndividualSorted.Count; iIndividual++)
  var oIndividual = colIndividualSorted(iIndividual);
  var strEmail = oIndividual.Contact.Email
  if (strEmail != "")
    Report.WriteT3Br("<b>", oIndividual.Name, "</b>");
    Report.WriteT3Br(" - Email: ", strEmail);

Is there a way to automate the creation of a mailing list by household?

You could have a user-defined tag and group/sort the contact information by household.

Is there a way to send out mass e-mails easily without having to re-enter all the email addresses into another application?

GenoPro could provide a service to send emails.  To avoid spammers abusing our mailing services, we would restrict this service to paid customers.  Here is a sample code how simple sending an email.  The field strKeyFrom would be a unique identifier of the sender (you) to prevent spoofing.  The sender key would be in your account, somewhere in the Control Panel.

strKeyFrom = "973CD60EFA6E4BB6920F72D79D68C6ED"
strEmailTo = ""
strEmailTitle = "Wedding of ABC and XYZ"
strEmailBody = "Hello, I am announcing the wedding of ABC and XYZ.  BYOB!!!"
Util.SendEmailMessage(strKeyFrom, strEmailTo, strEmailTitle, strEmailBody)

Mailing (121 views, 990 bytes)

Edited: Thursday, June 19, 2008 by GenoProSupport
Posted Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - Post #22912
Famous Writer

Famous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous Writer

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Last Login: 2 days ago @ 8:19 AM
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Thank you for the quick reply and the Report that you wrote ... it worked great on the email addresses I had entered.

To address the items I had brought up earlier:

  • Can you recommend a book, manual or thread/post I might read to figure out how to create a CSV output from my genopro document.  I thought I might be able to do a copy and paste into Excel, but it wasn't obvious.  Is there an easy way to combine data from several tables (ie, names, dates of birth, custom fields, addresses, phone numbers, and emails) all in one output?
  • I have started using the Household drawing tool to highlight family units.  Do you recommend I use the Custom Fields on the Household shape to label an address "Smith Family" or just type in "Smith Family" in the Place Name field.  Using the Place Name field seems simpler to me, and most of the info would be in the Places table.
  • I have started using Facebook to organize events, send out announcements, etc, so the need for method within Genopro to send out emails is no longer required. (for me at least).

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