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Is it possible in future versions to draw overlaped relation property lines one of ways described bellow?
Edited: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 by
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Thank you for your post - I like your suggestion. I believe a solution would be to draw each pedigree link (vertical line) and then draw a white square over each intersection before drawing the families (horizontal lines).
The challenge is to detect intersections in an efficient manner. My brother and I were looking at solutions for detecting overlapping and most of then are O(p*f) where p is the number of pedigree links (vertical lines) and f is the number of families (horizontal lines). Of course, there could be optimizations, such as excluding all pedigree links and families not visible on the screen and skipping this special drawing when the zoom is below 50%, however keeping the drawing for the copy & paste as well as the printing.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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And what about to draw vertical lines with a left and right side border with background color (user defined?)? You do not need to detect intersections, it will be very simple to implement, isn't it? I try to draw it - if yellow line will be in background color, it will look quite good...
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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The problem would be the vertical line would also overlap on top of the family.
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I don't know exactly how is draw engine made but, it isn't possible to draw only two parallel lines on left and right side?Not border on all sides of line? And parallel lines can be a little shorter then main line, length of main line minus vertical line width. Like on this picture (main line is green, parallel lines are red, both starts draw in dot points)
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Why does it have to be O(p*f)? Why not just O(f) or O(p)? Limit the calculation to lines that intersect the most recently changed line, modify the lines that will have the hop and store the hop in the line object itself (like you store the individual points), and just draw the line from that point collection as you would any other line.
This is me pretending to have any idea of how you implemented the line drawing routines.  Forgive me if I'm way off... Another option would be to not do the hopping automatically and just have a menu feature that does it (like autoarrange). I am really pulling for this feature, if you can't tell!
Edited: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 by
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CranMalReign (16-Feb-2011)Another option would be to not do the hopping automatically and just have a menu feature that does it (like autoarrange) A good idea. The user can then decide if and when he/she wants the performance hit of searching for crossing lines and changing the display, knowing the display would revert back to the normal one after any auto-arrange involving those links. It appears that pedigree links are drawn before family relationship lines so it would be easier to have any line break in the pedigree link and not the family line. It could easily be accommodated in the existing XML by simply having an empty pair of points indicating a break, in the PedigreeLink.Position.Points attribute e.g. <PedigreeLink PedigreeLink="Biological" Family="fam00003" Individual="ind00001"> <Position> <Points>-60,-15,,, -60,-25</Points> |
This means "draw to -60,-15, step to -60,-25 and draw to end point ( gender symbol)" GenoPro could also generate alternative crossover techniques such as in a, b & c in the diagram below by calculating and adding the required points the same attribute. Also the vertical component of a family line could get similar treatment to 'hop' crossing lines (dad and mum bleow crossing guy/gal) Without any GenoPro changes, using coloured pedigree links as in d and e below helps to indicate a cross over. Alternatively you can add a second family line to the crossing family line and set its colour to white and size to jumbo and position it below the original line and mark in as 'Mark as Label/Exclude from report'. See man/woman family line below, the second line is selected. Any other pedigree links crossing under this line then appear to be broken, as shown for children f and g below. To achieve this second line I added a second spouse to woman, deleted that spouse and then linked 'man' as parent to it. Then arrange the line as required including layer position (e.g. position backward)  p.s. The line break in child a above was achieved by drawing and placing a small white square shape (via line tool) at the intersection and changing its layer position (bring forward).
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Friday, February 18, 2011 by
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Any more information on this topic? I'm very interested in seeing this feature!
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Drawing parallel lines on the pedigree link or the family line could be done. GenoPro could have a checkbox as an option, so if there is overlapping, the pedigree link (or family line) would have border to the left and right of it. In order for the vertical lines left-and-right of the pedigree link to be effective, the pedigree link must be brought in front of the family line in the z-order.
Edited: Monday, February 20, 2012 by
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Has anything been done on this issue? I have a ton of overlapping lines and without something like a line break or a hop, I don't think the chart will make any degree of sense.