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New descriptions for symbols on medical genogram

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Author I would like to reassign those symbols to those new diseases such as seizures, learning disabilities instead of heart attacks and cancer.
Posted Saturday, January 1, 2011 - Post #27237
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but I've spent the last two hours trying to figure this out.

I am creating a medical genogram with diseases / symptoms not on their list, like seizures, learning disabilities, GI probems, etc. I would like to reassign those symbols to those new diseases. So instead of heart attacks, cancer, etc, I need the list above.

I looked at the page on medical genograms, and I cannot figure it out. I created a new legend, and started labeling, but the titles on the symbols do not change.

I plan on importing my tree from a GEDCOM file which I had created using


Edited: Monday, January 3, 2011 by GenoProSupport
Posted Monday, January 3, 2011 - Post #27255
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Your right, the idea is to change the legend to have the symbol your want but the tooltip can't be change. I'm going to forward the message and check out for a solution.

Edited: Monday, January 3, 2011 by jcmorin
Posted Monday, January 3, 2011 - Post #27256
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Create your own language pack

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+L and pick a language nobody is using yet such as Abkhazian (AB).  GenoPro will create a file in C:\Program Files\GenoPro\Lang\AB.xml
2. Then, edit the menu items for the medical symbols (Ctrl+Shift+M).
3. Next time you generate a legend, you will see the new text.

What you can do is rename the file AB.xml to something like "MyLegend.xml".  Next time you start GenoPro, the name "MyLegend" will appear in the Language menu.  Everything else will work as before.  GenoPro will remember you selected "MyLegend" next time you start the application.

Note, the name of the file should not be longer than 11 characters, otherwise GenoPro will not remember the language you selected.  In theory, a language code should be only two letters, and we put it to 11.  I have increased this value to 31, so next update you will be able to have a longer name such as "My Medical Legend.xml"
Posted Thursday, July 19, 2012 - Post #30415
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Create your own language pack

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+L and pick a language nobody is using yet such as Abkhazian (AB).  GenoPro will create a file in C:\Program Files\GenoPro\Lang\AB.xml

Note that for users with Vista or Windows 7 the translation pack AB.xml will not be visible in the path specified.  Windows will intercept the action and redirect to the virtual store in the user's profile area e.g. 

C:\Users\your windows username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\GenoPro\Lang\AB.xml

Hence users must attempt to find it there in order to rename it.

It is now considered to be bad programming practice to store user writeable data files below the Program Files folder.  Also perhaps the data should be stored per user and not per system.

I believe the correct method is to use the special folder ApplicationData via the Environment variable (%APPDATA% in Windows shell terms or see for other languages.  However these folders are difficult to find via Windows Explorer as they are often hidden depending on view settings.

This is akin to problems some users have with the Skins folder being under the GenoPro Program Files folder too.  Perhaps GenoPro could prompt for a location of the skins folder and indeed the Lang folder before the 1st file or folder is created for these functions.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Monday, September 24, 2012 - Post #30703
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Is there anyway to add a new medical condition without editing an old one?

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