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Hierarchical report en français?

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Posted Sunday, January 30, 2011 - Post #27491
Forum Guru

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J'utilisais avec GenoPro 2007 une "skin" qui a été développée par Ron pour faire des tableaux hierarchiques en anglais (English Hierarchical (rev_2010.03.30) Skin). Existerait-il un "Dictionary" permettant de générer ces rapports en français avec GenoPro 2011?

Posted Sunday, January 30, 2011 - Post #27493
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'Hierarchical report' is included in GenoPro 2011 as 'Descendant Tree Chart'. Try using only the file 'Dcitionary.xml' from Reply here if there are problems.

[Google translate]
'Hierarchical report' est inclus dans GenoPro 2011 comme 'Descendant Tree Chart'. Essayez d'utiliser seulement le fichier 'Dictionary.xml' chez Répondre ici si il ya des problèmes.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Sunday, January 30, 2011 - Post #27496
Forum Guru

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1) Using Descendants Tree Chart Skin works fine



2) Using Descendants Tree Chart skin replacing Dictionary.xml with Dictionary.xml pour Narrative Report produces following result:


Generating report to 'C:\Users\Roland\Documents\Genealogy\Report06\Hier Ron (FR)\'

Cloning document 2011_01_311_Ancetres Tous...

Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Customized Descendants Tree Chart\*  (Descendants Tree Chart)'...

Loading Dictionary.xml...

[0.00] Processing template 'DescendantTree.js'...

Base skin version from Config.xml: 2011.01.01

To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report' dialog.


The 'Configuration Parameters' dialog will appear in an Internet Explorer window. If it is not visible please check taskbar as it may be minimized.

Generating HTML chart

Generating report on descendants of Joseph Marie Lewis Suzor (ind00250)

[5.05] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Title') failed!

[5.07] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Collapse_Title') failed!

[5.07] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Collapse_Link') failed!

[5.07] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Expand_Title') failed!

[5.07] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Expand_Link') failed!

[5.08] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Individual') failed!

[5.08] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_GenderM') failed!

[5.08] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_GenderF') failed!

[5.08] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Union') failed!

[5.08] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_NoteBegin') failed!

[5.10] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_NoteEnd') failed!

[5.10] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('PhDT_Children') failed!

Generated file "C:\Users\Roland\Documents\Genealogy\Report06\Hier Ron (FR)\descendants\Suzor-Joseph Marie Lewis-ind00250.htm & .xml"

[9.98] Processing template 'DescendantTree.js'...

Base skin version from Config.xml: 2011.01.01

[10.32] Processing template 'DescendantTree.css'...

Generated and written 3 pages in 10.343 seconds

                average performance of 0.29 pages per second

12 errors encountered while generating report!

[10.34] Writing files from skin...

[10.56] Report Ready!  Click on the "Close" button to continue.


And the report is empty, except for a few “ icons” (beginning of report line symbols and picture symbols (+small camera))



3) Using Descendants Tree Chart skin after replacing also Config.xml with Config.xml with Config.xml pour Descendants Report produces:


Generating report to 'C:\Users\Roland\Documents\Genealogy\Report06\Hier Ron (FR)\'

Cloning document 2011_01_311_Ancetres Tous...

Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Customized Descendants Tree Chart\*  (Rapport de descendants français)'...

Loading Dictionary.xml...

[0.00] Processing template 'Main.js'...

Error in Config.xml at line 105: Unable to open template file 'Main.js'

Posted Sunday, January 30, 2011 - Post #27497
Legendary Master

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Ok I have some work to do there then.  I will build the tags required for the Descendant Tree Chart into the Narrative Report skin and attempt the translation into the French Dictionary.XML. Obviously the ideal would be to have just one Dictionary.xml for all reports so that only a single copy need be maintained. 

A translation of the Config.xml file from each report skin would be good too. Reports cannot share the same Config.xml as you have discovered. The Config.xml file for the Descendants Tree Chart is largely a subset of the Config.xml from the Narrative Report hence should be quite straightforward to translate using the French Narrative Config.xml. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Monday, January 31, 2011 - Post #27500
Legendary Master

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Attached are a modified French Dictionary.xml with entries for the 'Descendant Tree Chart' and also a French Config.xml file for the same Report. You should be able to use these in a custom Descrendant Tree Chart skin.

If you can improve my efforts at translation in these files please fell free to do so. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Config.xml (199 views, 10.65 KB)
Dictionary.xml (281 views, 154.25 KB)
Posted Monday, January 31, 2011 - Post #27501
Forum Guru

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I still get error messages and no output:


Generating report to 'C:\Users\Roland\Documents\Genealogy\Report07\Rapport Descendants 2011 (FR)\'

Cloning document 2011_01_311_Ancetres Tous...

Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Rapport Descendants Tree Chart 2011 (FR) Skin\*  (Graphique Arbre Descendants)'...

Loading Dictionary.xml...

[0.00] Processing template 'DescendantTree.js'...

[0.18] Messages de Generation Config: Ne trouve pas: CommentSkinVersion


Pour supprimer l'affichage des paramètres de configuration, cochez la case dans l'onglet 'Options' de ce panneau.

[0.28] Messages de Generation Config: Ne trouve pas: CommentParameters

Generating HTML chart

Génération d'un rapport sur les descendants en dessous Carl Gottlieb Schäfer (ind00035)

Generated file "C:\Users\Roland\Documents\Genealogy\Report07\Rapport Descendants 2011 (FR)\descendants\Schäfer-Carl Gottlieb-ind00035.htm & .xml"

[8.97] Processing template 'DescendantTree.js'...


[9.18] Processing template 'DescendantTree.css'...

Generated 3 pages (3 pages unchanged) in 9.205 seconds

                average performance of 0.33 pages per second

2 errors encountered while generating report!

[9.20] Writing files from skin...

[9.54] Report Ready!  Click on the "Close" button to continue.

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