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Report Generator: Narrative_2014.04.10: Request for Sources/Citations...

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Author Current report lists as continuous text making it hard to spot specific Sources/Citations
Posted Thursday, August 7, 2014 - Post #33782
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Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
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If you don't think this is a good idea, can someone tell me the location of the code that puts the comma between the Sources/Citations. Then I can make the change myself.

Still the only genealogy program I know that allows you to take control of your own website publishing.....

Have used for more than 10 years now !!

Posted Saturday, August 9, 2014 - Post #33790
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Found the code when genome gave me the hint about the code for new window for Source/Citations:

Code/util.vbs  Line 1135/1146  change , to <br> to get the list of Source/Citations to display with one line per Source/Citation

         IfcollSources.Count > 0 Then ' write details of remaining source/citations

              If NotSession("NestSourceRefs") Then Report.WriteBrDic.Plurial("SourceCitation" & Util.IfElse(g_collFootnotes.Count> 0, "_Other",""), collSources.Count)

              strSep =""

              For EachoFootnote in collSources

                 strTitle = StrPlainText(oFootnote,Util.FirstNonEmpty(oFootnote.Subtitle, oFootnote.Description,oFootnote.QuotedText, Dic("SourceInformation")))

                  If (strTitle <> "") Then

                     strTitle = Util.FormatString(" title='{}'", strTitle)


                 Report.WriteFormatted strSep & " <ahref='source-{&t}.htm'onclick='showPopUpFrame("""");' target='popup'{}><i>{}</i></a>", oFootnote.ID, strTitle,JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote,StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True)), true)

                 strSep = Util.IfElse(Session("NestSourceRefs"), "<br/>", "<br >")


          End If
Posted Saturday, August 9, 2014 - Post #33793
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Yep that same bit of code implements the existing presentation config option to put source/citations in a list in a collapse/expand subsection. A bit untidy at present but have an amendment pending to each entry in <li> tags.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - Post #34119
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Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
Posts: 19, Visits: 70
Narrative_2014.08.14 citations still in continuous para.

To get sources to display as a list.
In Code/Utils.vbs     change line 1146 to:
strSep = Util.IfElse(Session("NestSourceRefs"), "<br />", "<br >")

PS: great work on continuing updates.  Thanks so much for your legendary efforts.


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