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Narrative 2014-12-17 faults

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Posted Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - Post #34415
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G'day Genome,

I've finally installed the most recent version (had been away for a bit since we last chatted here).
I've noticed the improvements you made to the pop up info as per our convo - thank you Smile

A couple of things that were happening with 2014-12-17 and still seem to be happening now...

From the home page:

1. If I click on any name in the main frame under "Most Popular Family Names" it expands the Name Index to full width (main frame disappears). The only thing that can be done is the red X clicked, and then it removes the side surname navigation Name Index.

2. If I click on any name in the side navigation Name Index a blank frame pops up in the main frame. I then have to click the X on this blank frame to get to the person's information.

3. If I click on any of the top navigation buttons other than "home" "events" or "help" the side navigation expands to full width, and clicking anything in the side navigation does not bring up the information in a main frame.

I hope that all makes sense. My site is for you to look at.

Below is the Report Log from the newly uploaded version 2014.12.17 Narrative that I just uploaded.


Publishing report to
  Connecting to server
Cloning document Wuiske...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Narrative_2014.12.17\*  (Narrative Report)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'...
Merging Config.xml version 2014.10.24 into ConfigMsgEN.xml version 2014.12.13.
Report Skin version 2014.12.17
Report Language code 'EN' Dictionary version '2014.08.17'
To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report' dialog.
Checking thumbnails status
[223.81] Processing template 'style.css'...
Applying theme 'AcornOliveTeal_3'
Copying files from selected theme
Copying files from default theme
Copying files from selected theme
[389.03] Processing template 'header.htm'...
[389.08] Processing template 'footer.htm'...
[389.09] Processing template 'cover.htm'...
[389.12] Processing template 'introduction.htm'...
[389.14] Processing template 'toc.xsl'...
[389.17] Processing template 'index.html'...
[389.20] Processing template 'default.htm'...
[390.82] Processing template 'toc_individuals.htm'...
[394.15] Processing template 'toc_families.htm'...
[396.46] Processing template 'toc_charts.htm'...
[397.56] Processing template 'toc_contacts.htm'...
[398.66] Processing template 'toc_places.htm'...
[400.08] Processing template 'toc_sources.htm'...
[401.53] Processing template 'toc_names.htm'...
[403.15] Processing template 'genomap.svg'...
[409.53] Processing template 'genomap.htm'...
[413.16] Processing template 'toc_genomaps.htm'...
[414.24] Processing template 'home.htm'...
[415.63] Processing template 'heading.htm'...
[416.77] Processing template 'calendar.htm'...
[416.80] Processing template 'scripts\calendarevents.js'...
[420.31] Processing template 'timeline.htm'...
[423.43] Processing template 'toc_timelines.htm'...
[424.49] Processing template 'toc_entities.htm'...
[425.55] Processing template 'gmap.htm'...
[425.58] Processing template 'individual_map.htm'...
[425.68] Processing template 'family_map.htm'...
[425.82] Processing template 'scripts\tocstart.js'...
[425.86] Processing template 'individual.htm'...
[1149.36] Processing template 'family.htm'...
[1301.42] Processing template 'place.htm'...
[1436.28] Processing template 'source.htm'...
[1556.85] Processing template 'picture.htm'...
[1647.43] Processing template 'contacts.htm'...
[1648.68] Processing template 'places.htm'...
[1652.45] Processing template 'pictures.htm'...
[1654.84] Processing template 'toc_pictures.htm'...
[1658.49] Processing template 'popup.htm'...
[1658.50] Processing template 'sources.htm'...
[1660.89] Processing template 'entities.htm'...
[1662.06] Processing template 'gmap_place.htm'...
[1662.09] Processing template 'gmap_places.htm'...
[1662.11] Processing template 'help.htm'...
[1662.14] Processing template 'help.svg'...
[1662.16] Processing template 'scripts\gmap_data.js'...
[1662.19] Processing template 'scripts\gmap_places.js'...
[1662.20] Processing template 'individuals.htm'...
Generated 978 pages (74 pages unchanged, 904 pages written) in 1662.316 seconds
    average performance of 0.59 pages per second
[1662.31] Writing extra file 'FamilyTree.xml'...
[1665.98] Writing extra file 'FamilyTree.gno'...
[1672.75] Writing extra file 'FamilyTree.ged'...
[1683.25] Writing files from skin...
[1720.41] Writing 64 pictures to report...
[1726.54] Report Ready!  Click on the "Close" button to continue.
Posted Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - Post #34416
Junior Member

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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Saturday, July 23, 2016
Posts: 17, Visits: 49
G'day again,

Just further to the issues in my first post, there is also an issue when trying to click from the events page or any other (individuals, families, trees, pictures, occupancies, places, sources and timelines. None of these will bring up the information in the main frame - the info is hidden behind what should be the navigation frame and also a blank white frame. Except in the case of events, where trying to click onto an individual doesn't do anything. The link is apparently there but it does nothing.

Posted Thursday, January 1, 2015 - Post #34419
Legendary Master

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GenoPro version:

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It is best to use the 'Auto hide Index frame' option and also uncheck the 'Open popup frame at maximum size' presentation options.

There are possibly still issues with some chnages to improve small screen, e.g. mobile phone, presentation.  I'll look into to this further.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Thursday, January 8, 2015 - Post #34463
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Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
Posts: 19, Visits: 70
Hi Legendary Master, 
Thanks again for all your work.
Re the latest narrative report version Version 2014.12.12

When I take a svg to a main street printing service, they have to go through a range of steps to format the file as a single A2 or A1 sheet. 
Browsers are simply not setup to give the range of print options that pdf printer drivers are (e.g. adobe).

My users often just downloads the pdf and use it as a reference on iBooks or other devices.  they can't do that now ..... unless I go through each Genomap after each report generation and open them with Inkscape and save them correctly formatted as 1 page......

I think that many users will find this a major loss.

Please can we have the pdf generation included in the report as an option.....

Posted Thursday, January 8, 2015 - Post #34464
Legendary Master

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The HTML Narrative Report is intended to be used as an interactive 'screen only' report.  In this respect SVG has multiple advantages over PDF and I have indicated elsewhere why I have removed PDFs.

I do not understand why you should want to take SVGs from the Narrative Report to print shops when using GenoPro's own GenoMap printing facilities in conjunction with PDF Printer drivers such as PrimoPdf offer superior formatting and scaling options and the resulting PDF should be directly printable  by the print shop. If you think differently then please explain.

There is an option within the Narrative Report, the 'Book' style,  to produce a single HTML file suitable for conversion to PDF format but this is for details of Individuals only.  


'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Saturday, January 10, 2015 - Post #34465
Junior Member

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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Saturday, July 23, 2016
Posts: 17, Visits: 49
genome (01-Jan-2015)
It is best to use the 'Auto hide Index frame' option and also uncheck the 'Open popup frame at maximum size' presentation options.

There are possibly still issues with some chnages to improve small screen, e.g. mobile phone, presentation.  I'll look into to this further.

Cheers Genome, that seems to have done the trick. Although in the past those settings did not seem to interfere the way they do with the newer versions. Nonetheless it's fixed now, so thank you!


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