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See the thread Introducing GenoTab, a new way to share your GenoPro data for details of how to obtain and use this app.
Post any issues or suggestions regarding GenoTab in this thread.
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appleshaw wrote:
Can not find the new Skins. Also when I tried to look at launch.bat, got the following - but perhaps it was in the wrong folder

Please check that you have unzipped the two report skins into your GenoPro Report Skins folder. The two folders shouls appear alongside the skin folders installed with GenoPro e.g. {EN} Narrative Report etc. From the above it looks as though you have clicked on lauch,bat from the zipped folders hence the error. launch.bat is not intended for general use, it is purely to allow me to test things locally before submitting to family trees.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Monday, January 29, 2018 by
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maru-san wrote:
Have received following message while converting:
I have fixed the 'map_ref' declaration so that error should no longer occur. The 'namelist.split' occurred when a baptism officiator title was present. I have made changes to process this field correctly.
I have also transferred any error messages to the text box rather than an alert prompt so that they can be easily copied and pasted here.
The new scripts has been uploaded to familytrees. You may need to clear your browser cache to load the amended scripts.
N.B. You do not need to re-install the skins.
Thanks for testing 
maru-san also wrote: Ron, seems you are very busy.A few questions from my side:1) Will this created jason file be used for GenoproX?2) If this is the case, how will the date on the tablet. smartphone be update in case of new date within Genoprox?3) Is this GenoTab the forerunner of the Android Genoprox version?4) Would like to take my data along with me on my tablet, but without being able to edit the data and enter new persons it would not much be of a help, unless I can create a small new file and add later to the PC version.There may be more questions once I have used it.
Yes this project has kept me busy, particularly over the winter months. I'll do my best to answer your questions. 1. AFAIK GenoProX will hold its databases as JSON files but whether or not it will as per my specification I cannot say as communication with GenoPro Inc. has been extremely patchy. I have provided a full spec of my version to them (see http://familytrees.genopro.com/Apps/json/) but no recent response! As I say it is based on an earlier version of the JSON format (as used in the 'taster' GenoProX version) but I have revised and extended it considerably to accommodate virtually all of what is possible in .gno data files. 2. I have put my GenoPro app on familytrees and users will be able to upload their GenoProX-like JSON data and photos to their username on familytrees and run Genotab on their data. Users of Apple IoS and Android devices can, as with all 'web apps', create a home screen icon for the app (add to homescreen) and dispense with the browser menu bar. I have yet to investigate use of the HTML5 Application cache facility, but in theory this should allow you to keep an offline copy of the app on your phone/tablet. Users will need to republish any updates to their data onto familytrees. 3. & 4. At present GenoTab is a read-only application without any facility to record changes. I see it main purpose as allowing to allow relatives/friends ease of access to your data. My hope is that GenoProX, if/when it arrives, will be ported to Android. I believe there is a facility for this within the QT framework being used to develop GenoProX. Failing that it might be possible to add some limited updating to GenoTab, but without GenoProX we would also need the reverse conversion of JSON to .gno. I am in the process of packaging up the .gno to JSON converter which will allow users to run their own data into GenoTab. Should be ready in a few days.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Saturday, February 3, 2018 by
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Getting there! See http://familytrees.genopro.com/appleshaw/Jason/index.htm Have not attempted pictures yet and can not find any genogram. This is a small test file which appears the same on Firefox & Chrome. Apologies for not RTFM initially. It was last thing at night and I thought (as ever) that I can run without practicing to walk. Should have said it runs happily under Chrome on my Android phone and iPad.
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You appear to have a lonely family line with no parent or children attached causing the GenoMap creation to fail. I have now fixed that issue and uploaded the correction and so if you refresh your browser page the genomaps now display Ok, although the 1st one is a little large both for speed of rendering and ease of viewing.
Update Just noticed my last update stopped display of family details and caused ancestor and descendant trees not to work! Have now put that right too. A browser refresh or cache clearance may be needed to get the correct version.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Good morning Have received following message while converting Genopro (XML) to GenoProX JSON Format:
40.82(+40.82) reading XML file... 40.93(+0.12) read complete 41.05(+0.12) converting xml... 43.53(+2.48) converting to json.... 43.54(+0.01) !!! TypeError mapitem.l.t is undefined add2map@G2toX/js/G2toX.js:204:10 convertIt/<@G2toX/js/G2toX.js:1093:44 convertIt@G2toX/js/G2toX.js:1087:6
!! Error see above !! [clic to close]
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Now seen the updated version; very impressive! Will have to try sorting out photo locations. and trying again. Also use the full file - this was just meant to be direct ancestors. I was a bit puzzled about your reference to a family line with no detail. Looking at the table I found two possibles. The first was a key demo but this does have dummy parents. The second one is the culprit. Looking at the table Families it appears that Daniel Webb & Sarah Spurling have no children, although they are there. In fact there is a blank family line underneath the marriage line. Sorted
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Hi Vittorino,I found the problem. My converter only caters for the default Year of Birth - Year of Death as top label at present, other settings were causing the crash, I have amended code to stop crash but other top label values will be ignored until I get around to coding for it. Hopefully you can now convert your original data file (may need to clear browser cache to get latest script loaded) Also you should be able to link from individual page to genomap page by clicking the ' grid' icon in top right. if individual has hyperlinks then there will be multiple grid icons , hover over to see which genomap is linked.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Hi appleshawRegarding photo locations, I noticed that your json data has only local PC file paths. Ensure that when you run the Prepare for GenoTab skin that you untick the 'link to all file on my computer' and 'link to all files on my network' boxes under the Options tab of the Generate Report dialogue.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"