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Posted Sunday, July 21, 2019 - Post #39985
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Maybe this will end up being more suited to the feature suggestion area, but I have been searching for a few specific features and I'm not sure if they don't exist or I'm just not finding them.

I'm hoping there's a way to print to a PDF that doesn't split the genogram into individual 8.5x11" pages, but instead prints it as a paper to fit to the size of the genogram. I'm considering actually screencapping the genogram and painstakingly piecing it together in Photoshop and then moving it to a vector software, but if there's a native feature in GenoPro that would accomplish something similar, it'd be a huge time saver. Basically any export option as any kind of PDF, vector or image file would be ideal.

Also wondering if there are ways to import custom shapes and symbols into GenoPro. I don't love the ? as the only option available for nonbinary individuals, and I was hoping to use some custom symbols in my gemogram. All I can find is the image import option, which doesn't seem like what I'm looking for. Importing SVG or PNGs with transparency would be ideal, but I'm not sure it exists. As it stands, importing a transparent PNG of a simple B+W pentagram outline results in a messy, weird shape that distorts the image.

Any suggestions? Do these features exist? Thank you so much!
Posted Sunday, July 21, 2019 - Post #39986
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There was a similar problem on the forum in 2016  (to find it you could try searching the forum for "how to print large posters")

There is quite a bit of information in the following posts, #36528, #36870, #36871, (see the instruction pdf attached to this post) and #36872

I think 200 inches is maximum print dimension by this method, hope this helps


Posted Monday, July 22, 2019 - Post #39987
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If you prefer to work with a vector image rather than pdf, you can extract a SVG images of your GenoMaps from a Narrative Report - see Where is the .SVG file?

You can import custom shapes by converting SVG path markup to GenoPro Shape xml.  see How to add shape for time in foster care

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, July 22, 2019 by genome
Posted Monday, July 22, 2019 - Post #39988
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@Martyn and genome--

Thank you so much! I have successfully saved a large PDF that looks like it ought to work. I do wish importing SVG files were easier (and that there were support for transparent PNGs) but this is a doable workaround for now. Do you think I should post about these requests on the suggestion forum?

The thread on SVG shapes/files is useful except I'm not sure from reading it how to actually turn the .svg file into an .xml file that GenoPro can read--if you have any tips I'd love to hear them!

Thank you both so much for your help, I really appreciate it!

Edited: Monday, July 22, 2019 by pinksaltcrystals
Posted Monday, July 22, 2019 - Post #39993
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SVG conversion
I expect you are aware that an svg image is held as xml style text.  GenoPro Shape object is limited to a list of points defining a line of a specified width of a specified colour, and if the line defines a closed figure then also a specified fill colour.  Hence conversion from svg to GenoPro Shape is effectively limited to svg polyline graphics.  

AS an example the svg image definition (see attachment poly.svg)

<svg xmlns="">
points="20,36, 36,24, 30,4, 10,4, 4,24, 20,36" stroke="#000000" fill="#A8A8FF">

if opened in a browser displays as
the .svg can be converted to GenoPro .xml  (see attachment poly.xml)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <Position Size="T">
    <Points>20,36, 36,24, 30,4, 10,4, 4,24, 20,36</Points>
    <Color Line="#000000" Fill="#A8A8FF"/>
  <Comment>This is a pentagon</Comment>

Note that the list of coordinates in the Points tag must be comma delimited.  
The Position Size attribute corresponds to the .svg stroke-width as follows T (Tiny) = 1px, S (Small) = 2px, M (medium) = 3px, L (Large) =  4px, X (Extra Large) = 5px, XX (Extra Extra Large) = 6px, XXX (Huge)  = 7px, XXXX (Jumbo) = 8px.

If you open this .xml with GenoPro you get

Note that GenoPro coordinates are inverted with respect to the y-axis, hence the image is flipped.

Of course more than one Shape object can be created to define more complex shapes in multiple colours.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

poly.svg (17 views, 153 bytes)
poly.xml (14 views, 313 bytes)

Edited: Monday, July 22, 2019 by genome

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