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More than 3 years ago I announced 'GenoTab', a GenoPro report generator targeted at tablets and mobile phones. Back then we thought GenoProX was just around the corner so I based it on a prototype json file format. (see Introducing GenoTab 
Production of a GenoTab report was quite convoluted involving three separate processes. So with no sign of GenoProX any time soon I decided a few months ago to take another look a GenoTab with a view to make it easier to generate as a single process. I have today published the {EN} GenoTab report skin in my latest updates to the report skins bundle. See Updates to Report Skin Templates since GenoPro 2020 version N.B. At present the report must be generated on familytrees.genopro.com. The report skin actually only publishes a json version of your GenoPro data , copies of your pictures and a small 'bootstrap' html file (index.htm). Pictures wider or taller than 2800 pixels are resized using IrfanView and so this must be installed on your PC. I have published the html and javascript files that form the bones of GenoTab under a user Apps on familytrees that I control. This allows me to make corrections and improvements to the report without users having to re-publish their data. The index.htm bootstrap file will pull in these files when opened in a browser. Amongst other changes I have switched from Google Maps to Leaflet with OpenStreetMap.
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Generated report to familytrees from both a PC & laptop (W10) and get this message Error at line 334, position 4 (Code\G2toTab.js) generating 'json.js': Object doesn't support this property or method Microsoft JScript runtime error 800A01B6 Looked up the error number but am none the wiser (not unusual there) Am I missing something?
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Must be me that is missing something . It's tripping out trying to process a Pictures tag that doesn't adhere to my expected format.
Could you copy the attached G2toTab.js file into your Common\Code folder replacing the one that's there and try again please? I have also included a zipped version in case your browser blocks the .js download. I'm hoping it will report a warning in the Report log with a dump of the offending record. I'm just interested in the "Pictures": { ......... }, bit(s).
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Sorted and have an online report. Will have al ook at it tomorrow. It is a different beast to get to know Thanks again
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Is it possible to add a progress report beyond working on two .js files? A large report takes a long time; in this case a minute without any note. I also can not find any images - probably my fault I have not any images here, probably due to lack of links in original program. Attached log may show what I have missed out
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Last Login: Yesterday @ 10:40 PM
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I was surprised to see that your Pictures tag has only _Primary to indicate primary picture but no actual picture list.
I was expecting say "Pictures": { "_Primary": "pic00038", "__text": "pic00038" }, and not "Pictures": { "_Primary": "pic00038" }, This is probably why you see no pictures. Now that I know that that format is out there I can adjust to code to take account of it. I will also try and output during the json conversion a percent complete message in say 20% increments. I'll also try and work out how many pictures are to be resized and do the same for these.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"