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Posted Monday, May 30, 2022 - Post #42221
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Hi Ron,

I've been working my way through the latest narrative report, getting ready to publish my new family tree based on the latest skin. I've been hacking the skin a little (cough) to suit my own requirements and having lots of fun. (

I have a little feedback on the family maps (the family_map-famXXXXX.htm). I think this needs a tweak as the map doesn't load. I assumed I'd broken it with my code changes, but I've checked using a vanilla (unaltered) version of the skin, with the same result.

I've just done a quick compare between a individual_map-indxxxxxx.htm and a family_map-famXXXXX.htm - they're calling different .js scripts, and have slight code differences, perhaps a left over from the switch from google maps. See below.

I'm going update the initiating family_map.htm file in my custom skin, but thought I'd better let you know so it can be fixed for general release.

I have one or two other tweaks I've made to my custom skin which I'll post about on this thread, as they might be useful for the next release.

From the individual_map-indxxxxxx.htm :

<script src="scripts/gmap_data.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

$(function () {
           var loaded=true;
           window.addEventListener('resize',initLocationMap, false);

From the family_map-famXXXXX.htm :

<script src="scripts/gmap_places.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

$(function () {
var loaded=true;
Posted Monday, May 30, 2022 - Post #42223
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Another bit of feedback relates to the Source/Citation section.

I use the "Put Source/Citation references in collapse/expand section" option, and I noticed that from an individual and from a family page - when you click on a citation it doesn't target the popup frame (the popup is the targeted frame when clicking on citations elsewhere in the report).

I believe a tweak is needed to the sub WriteHtmlAllFootnotes in Utils.vbs

In my testing to resolve this I changed this line (line 1891):

                  Report.WriteFormattedBr "<sup><a name='{0}'></a>{0} </sup> <a href='source-{&t}.htm' {}><i>{}</i></a>", iFootnote, oFootnote.ID, strTitle, JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote, StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True),False), True)

To this:

                  Report.WriteFormattedBr "<sup><a name='{0}'></a>{0} </sup> <a href='source-{&t}.htm?popup'  onclick='showPopUpFrame("""");' target='popup' {}><i>{}</i></a>", iFootnote, oFootnote.ID, strTitle, JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote, StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True),False), True)

I also changed this line (line 1903) :

Report.WriteFormatted strSep & " <a href='source-{&t}.htm' {}><i>{}</i></a>", oFootnote.ID, strTitle, JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote, StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True), False), true)

To this:

Report.WriteFormatted strSep & " <a href='source-{&t}.htm?popup'  onclick='showPopUpFrame("""");' target='popup' {}><i>{}</i></a>", oFootnote.ID, strTitle, JoinSourceCitationNames(oFootnote, StrFormatText(oFootnote, StrParseText(oFootnote.title, True), False), true)

best regards,
Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Post #42225
Forum Guru

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I also noticed that the HTML code I'd used in my Document description, which is used on the home.htm, wasn't being interpreted as HTML on report generation.

I resolved this by changing the generating home.htm on line 64 from :

@[ Report.Write StrFormatText(Null, doc.Description, False) ]@

To :

@[ Report.Write StrFormatText(Null, doc.Description, True) ]@

best regards,
Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Post #42226
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This one is a suggestion for the fancybox gallery, which is to display the title of the picture as a caption when the picture is viewed through the fancybox.

Util.vbs line 2419 changes from:

            Report.WriteFormattedLn "<a class='gallery' data-fancybox='{5}' href='{2}' title='{4&t}'><img src='{0}'{1} alt='{3&t}' title='{3&t}'/></a>", strThumbnail, strAttributesHTML, strPath, Util.FormatPhrase(Dic("PhPictureTooltip"), "", p.Date.ToStringNarrative, p.Place.Session("Locative"), StrParseText(p.Source, True)), p,


            Report.WriteFormattedLn "<a class='gallery' data-fancybox='{5}' href='{2}' title='{4&t}' data-caption='{4&t}'><img src='{0}'{1} alt='{3&t}' title='{4&t}'/></a>", strThumbnail, strAttributesHTML, strPath, Util.FormatPhrase(Dic("PhPictureTooltip"), "", p.Date.ToStringNarrative, p.Place.Session("Locative"), StrParseText(p.Source, True)), p,

When I was googling around, I found there is a newer version of fancybox which has a carousel feature, which looks very exciting. Well beyond my coding abilities to implement however. 

Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Post #42227
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I've just noticed that in place-placeNNNNNN.htm, for places with a picture (and I think this is true also of source-sourceNNNNN.htm files too)- clicking the picture doesn't start the fancybox. See screenshots

Not sure if this is by design.

I haven't looked into fixes for this - just spotted it.

all the best,
Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Post #42228
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On a related note, on my customised version of the narrative skin, I borrowed your code to put a picture icon next to places that have picture(s).

If you'd like to review those mods for possible inclusion into the base skin - let me know and I'll post them up.

I've done this for the Place TOC (the other TOCs look to already have this feature) and in the individual.htm

With my trees I've never added pictures to occupancies - I've always added them to places, which is why I made this mod.

I've only just found out during testing today that small photos are displayed in the report for occupancies, but from a layout perspective I prefer the picture icon rather than a small picture, so it turned out to be happy error on my part that I associated the pictures with the places.

that's all from me, finally,
Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Post #42229
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Sorry one more glitch... I've no idea what is causing this, but it seems repeatable.

This is to do with maps for individual places generated by gmap_place.htm

If I start from one of my individuals, and click on a place link in the Whereabouts section it pops up the place-placeNNNNN.htm - if I use the map icon from the pop up for that place - the map only loads about the top third of the tiles, the rest are grey.

Strangely, if I start from the Places TOC, and choose the same place, and then click on the map icon for that place from places.htm - the map loads fine

bit of a puzzler,

Edited: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 by HarryCaper
Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Post #42230
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In penance for posting so much today, I hope this will be useful...

I've taken another look at the curvycorner solution - since we introduced this the functionality is built into css, and with the death of IE, I think we can use the css solution now. 

Ironically, since 2012 when we introduced this, curvy corners have gone out of fashion thanks to Windows 10. This new css solution makes it possible for folks to remove the curvy corners using the theme.css, and since the new solution doesn't use images - it makes customising the colour scheme easier too, as it doesn't use the corner images so these no longer need editing.

I've attached a zip of the amended skin. Every change I've made is notated with HarryCaper and the original code is still there commented out for easy comparison, although you probably have something like winmerge for doing comparisons. The image below shows the files that have been amended.

The changes made to the OliveBranch theme.css would need to be replicated in the other themes.

When you look at the changes, you'll notice I've also made some changes to things like padding and margins, and heights & widths for TOCs and Maps, and I've made use of the class cage on more pages (for padding to bring the text in from the edges). This is to address a couple of layout idiosyncrasies.

Posted Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - Post #42231
Forum Guru

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... the attachment seems to be missing from my last post, trying again...

edit... I'm getting slightly different results publishing to my local drive than to the web with respect to the height of the TOCs and the maps. Looks perfect when running from my local drive, but the bottom of the TOC box & map box is off the screen when looking at the version published on the internet. 

No idea why that is - I ran the generator for the two locations back to back without making any changes. 

May need to shave another few px off the height of these which is set from script.js (line 1254) and tocstart.js (line 17). I have to confess I don't really understand the intricacies... (152 views, 6.71 MB)

Edited: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 by HarryCaper
Posted Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - Post #42234
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Wow! you have certainly been busy w00t  It's gonna take me a while to digest all of your posts, but many thanks for all your work on this.

One I can answer immediately is the question of HTML in the Document Description. You just need to prefix your text with the 'Custom Markup'  <?html?>. This can be used on anytext field.   See also 'How to customise your report' 

I'll look into the rest as soon as I can Wink

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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