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How to remove a few things in the report generator HTML Code Please

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Posted Saturday, February 11, 2023 - Post #42820
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Hello Everyone

I have fiddled around with a small section of my tree to test out which I have here and have nearly got it as I want it.

There are still these 2 things I would like to change if anyone could help me with this please.

1. On the sources page I would like to remove the link to the references so that all that can be seen are the sources themselves.

2. On the individuals page I would like to remove the link to download a copy of the genopro. This is the genpro logo next to the name of the individual - right now if you hover over it is says "Click to view X in the family tree" but then it download a copy of the whole tree?

(I would like to keep the tree symbol next to this)

thank you


Edited: Saturday, February 11, 2023 by Duggleby
Posted Sunday, February 12, 2023 - Post #42826
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You will need to make a couple of tweaks to two files in your nominated Report Skins folder.

1) change this line (line 2125 in latest version) in file  Common\Code\Lang.vbs
    WriteHtmlReferences s, false
    ' WriteHtmlReferences s, false
i.e. comment out the line

2)  change this line (line 2240 in latest version) in file Common\Code\Util.vbs
        Report.WriteFormatted "{}{}{}{}{}</h3>", StrHtmlImgFileGno(i), StrHtmlImgFileSvg(i), StrHtmlImgTimeline(i), StrHtmlImgMap(i), StrHtmlImgDescendantTreeChart(i)
        Report.WriteFormatted "{}{}{}{}{}</h3>", "", StrHtmlImgFileSvg(i), StrHtmlImgTimeline(i), StrHtmlImgMap(i), StrHtmlImgDescendantTreeChart(i)

the generate your report again

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Sunday, February 12, 2023 - Post #42827
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Last Login: Monday, September 18, 2023
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Thank you so much.

that was so quick and easy to accomplish.


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