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feedback on latest (18-2-24) narrative report

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Author UPDATE: thumbnails of pictures, other than individual's primary pictures, are not uploaded in the latest narrative report (22-02-2024)
Posted Sunday, February 18, 2024 - Post #43813
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When I use the latest (2024/02/07) narrative report script,  I get this message:

Error at line 578, position 2 (Code\genomap.svg) generating 'genomap.svg': Subscript out of range: '[number: 0]'
Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A0009

(I added exclamation points (!) after the label names, no other changes compared to prior version and the prior version works well)

Edited: Thursday, February 22, 2024 by Olivierm
Posted Sunday, February 18, 2024 - Post #43816
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The script is trying to calculate a picture size due to 'picture mode' but it appears one of your pictures has no dimensions cached in Genopro.

If you look via Table Layout / Pictures and sort the Dimensions column you may be able to see a blank entry.  Perhaps you could replace genomap.svg in your skins Common\Code folder with the attached which should cause the Individual with that picture to display in non-picture mode.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, February 19, 2024 by genome
Posted Monday, February 19, 2024 - Post #43817
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Thank you for this quick reaction !

Indeed, I have many pictures without dimensions. 
Maybe I can fill in  standard dimensions for all ? ( I noticed that this field cannot be written)
I was finally able to save the alternate gnomap.svg  file
The result is a bit strange: the individuals without pictures do not show a square or round node anymore.
There are other strange behaviours of the site, but I let you check it. It looks a bit like if you cannot go back from the tree to the individual data. 
(These pictures, that do not appear in the narrative report, are visible on my desktop genopro screen in picture mode.)
See:my site

All the rest is working well (godparents, no layer by default, Google link.
How could I solve that dimension issue of the pictures? 

And, again, thank you !

Edited: Monday, February 19, 2024 by Olivierm
Posted Monday, February 19, 2024 - Post #43819
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Well after some investigation I have some answers.

Missing pictures were caused by a regional issue.  VBScript will use the regional setting 'decimal point is comma' but SVG only allows a full stop for decimal point.  I have previously circumvented this problem elsewhere in the script but forgot to apply to new code for 'picture mode'. Hopefully the attached genomap.svg fixes it. As you have probably discovered, you need to right click on link and choose 'Save link as' to download it.

When clicking an Individual on SVG genomap, the detail frame is displayed but is immediately being covered over by the genomap again.  This because you have incompatible Configuration Parameters set. The option Auto show genomap for individual and family? is not compatible with the option Open 'popup' & index frames at maximum size, overlaying 'detail' frame.  Choose one or the other. I need to amend code to detect this.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

genomap.svg (4 views, 85.13 KB)

Edited: Monday, February 19, 2024 by genome
Posted Monday, February 19, 2024 - Post #43820
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Hello Ron,

the new genomap.svg  solved the pictures problem.

However, there is still a problem with the individuals page. I noticed that the setting Open 'popup' & index frames at maximum size, overlaying 'detail' frame.  was not checked. To be absoltely certain I checked and unchecked it. And part of the poblem still remains.

We are close to the end. And the result is fantastic.

Posted Monday, February 19, 2024 - Post #43821
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Hmm,  interesting!

When I click a link from the index frame, either for a genomap or individual, that link opens as  page the same window , rather than a page within a frame (detail or popup)  within the frameset.  At the moment I don't why this is.  

The index pages have a line <base target="detail"/> to set the required frame.  Is there anything different about your site that could be causing this?

p.s. I updated genomap.svg in my last post Attached update to genomaps.htm in Common\Code folder that moves the Layer dropdown a bit to the left to avoid covering 'size' and 'close' icons.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

genomap.htm (6 views, 9.53 KB)

Edited: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 by genome
Posted Monday, February 19, 2024 - Post #43822
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The only error messages I got when generating the report  are

Occupation evti00024 Event:ASSO - No Dictionary.xml entry found
Occupation evti00025 Event:ASSO - No Dictionary.xml entry found
Occupation evti00026 Event:ASSO - No Dictionary.xml entry found
Occupation evti00027 Event:ASSO - No Dictionary.xml entry found


308.53] Error: Unable to retrieve 'date last modified' from HTTP header for http:// .... GenoProReport/descendants/version.txt

added 22/2/2024: There is no subdirectory "descendants" . the file version.txt is written in the main directory. 


I do not think there is anything special about my site that would explain the frame issue.

But I noticed that maybe one of the items of the latest tab (genomaps) of the report parameters could be conflicting, so I tried without it.
(maximise the ... )

And apparently that was the origin of the problem. It works nearly as it should , now (I never know what issues are linked to files still in the cache and what is due to the browser)

I think it is urgent to publish a new release of Genopro ! Your report is even better than the original program . Smile

Have a nice, and well deserved, evening! :-)

Edited: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 by Olivierm
Posted Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - Post #43830
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Hello Ron,

Apparently thumbnails of pictures, other than individual's primary pictures, are not uploaded in the latest narrative report
Instead, you see their placeholder. The pictures themselves are correctly uploaded.

The two reports hereunder are based on exactly the same genogram, one based on the former version of the narrative report, the other on the latest version

(former version of narrative report),y=-600,highlight=true,toggle=SVG,name=I193
(Latest version of narrative report)

Is there an incompatibility between the individual's pictures and other pictures being displayed as thumbnails ?

Thank you for your help.


Edited: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 by Olivierm

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