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Family relations bug

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Posted Sunday, March 17, 2024 - Post #43911
Famous Writer

Famous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous Writer

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Last Login: 5 hours ago
Posts: 202, Visits: 1,826

in the last two hours, wenn i want to try a new relationship , I have only four options:   (standard) , Marriage, Commited Relationschip and Liason / Uncommited Relationship

if I take a family with another relationship , like Divorce, I have also this option.... but no one more

I don't Know why I have this Bug.

(I have closed the programm and also the Computer)

Posted Sunday, March 17, 2024 - Post #43912
Famous Writer

Famous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous WriterFamous Writer

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Last Login: 5 hours ago
Posts: 202, Visits: 1,826
it's an option

Menu:   Tools  /  Options / Display Genogram Symbols for Family Relationships

If there is activated, there are only those 4 options, if not, then you have all the full relationships

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