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How to get GenoPro to work on WINE?

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Posted Thursday, June 13, 2024 - Post #44169
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Last Login: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Posts: 1, Visits: 5

I've switched my machine (2022 ipad pro 12.9) over to Kubuntu from Windows 10, and I've been migrating all my programs over to it. All so far I have been able to run without issue virtually straight out of the box (Photoshop included), but GenoPro poses a problem. I have the program downloaded, along with WINE and WINEtricks, but it will not run, despite the WINE wiki and the software developer stating it can be done. There used to be a package hosted by the developer that you needed to download along with the program (InstallMfcDLL.exe), but that was removed several years ago, so I assumed it's no longer needed? I'm very confused.
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When I try to run GenoPro using WINE, I just get a plain white program window with nothing in it. No error messages, just an empty program window. Any ideas diagnosing this would be greatly appreciated.

Edited: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 by jenniecleaver

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