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Can I show someone loves someone else?

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Author Can I show someone loves someone else?
Posted Monday, August 23, 2004 - Post #7566
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Is there a way to show that someone loves someone else, without being specific about dating?
I'm using the Beta version.
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7567
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I agree with you... there should be a 'Love' or 'In Love' emotional relationship since there is a difference between 'intimacy' and 'love'. I don't know if 'in love' is different than 'love'.

I presume this emotional relationship will be used to show an impossible love where one 'loves' someone else while the 'some else' may not necessarily love the individual back.

There are two issues remaining:
Is this a strictly unidirectional emotional relationship or a possible bidirectional relationship? For instance, the 'neglect' and 'focused on' are strictlly unidirectional emotional relationships. You cannot have both individuals neglecting others; if this is the case, the relationship 'distant' would be more appropriate. Similarly, if two individuals are 'focused on' each other, then a fused relationship would be best to describe the situation. The reason I am asking this question (to myself) is to determine if an arrow should be always present. Eventually, all remaining emotional relationships will offer the option to have arrows in each direction, however some relationship must have a single arrow.
What symbol or pattern to use. My first thought was using the heart symbol (similar to the ? used to describe the 'Other Emotional Relationsihip'). The problem with this symbol is it will not display and/or print on all version of Windows. The ? is an exception because every alphabet includes the ? symbol. One symbol could be a circle or a diamond in the middle. Any suggestions?
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7568
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WRT a symbol to denote love can you reverse a character? If so a 2 preceded by its mirror image is an underlined heart, likewise a query is a heart over a dot. This may not be clear in all fonts though.

Mike <><

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