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Family software for digital archives?

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Author Are there programs that help you organize family digital archives?
Posted Friday, July 22, 2005 - Post #7644
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[This doesn't exactly fit here...]

I was wondering, if anyone knows, are there programs that help you organize family digital archives? (i.e. scanned material such as photos, letters, other writings, official documents)

What I'm looking for is not genealogy software (GenoPro is all we need for that), but rather an archival material management software, oriented towards the family.

Is anyone aware of something like that?

Edited: Thursday, October 19, 2006 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7645
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What you might need is a good indexing tool!

You mightm try picasa (photo indexing tool) by google, or something of more general purpose like copernic desktop search... (both free)

Only thing is that you have to edit each pictures properties and add relevant data, who, where, when.. and then you might browse it easily...

"εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7646
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No, actually what I'm looking for (in case it exists...) is a single application that integrates the management of different types of material under the same umbrella and provides interconnection among the different files. A photo manager like Picasa treats all images as photos and that's all (for Picasa2 specifically, it's a very nice program, but with an abundance of flaws). Whereas a specialized program would be able to sort photos, letters, other writings, official documents (and I don't know what else) as different types of documents and provide some tools (I have no idea how) to handle a digital family archive in a more versatile way than having just everything scanned as, let's say, JPGs. I don't know, I guess it's not very clear in my mind either... Smile
Posted Thursday, August 18, 2005 - Post #7647
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It sounds as though you need something closer to a database program or at least a data management system.

I don't know of anything written specifically to manage family records, but have you looked at dBworx or NoteWorx from - both freeware versions of more complex shareware programs. One or other may meet most of your requirements.
Posted Friday, September 16, 2005 - Post #8445
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Try Clooz available at Smile

Edited: Friday, September 16, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, October 19, 2006 - Post #13942
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Check out Paper Port at or such.

Posted Thursday, October 19, 2006 - Post #13943
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Try something simple(easy to use) ,the 7th or ?8 may do what you want.
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - Post #40046
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A new product called Collectionaire was developed just for this purpose.  It's essentially an index in the cloud to all family contents in the cloud.  Interface is the family tree.

Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - Post #40047
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Custodian from is a well established program now on version 4.  The start page describes it:-
Welcome to Custodian 4, the database software which helps you to store, index and organise the information you have gathered from all kinds of family history records. Use specialised forms for many record types, build family trees, compile mini-biographies, maintain a library list and keep track of your correspondents and research notes.

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