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How to clean up imported places?

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Author After gedcom import, what's the easiest way to clean up my list of places?
Posted Sunday, January 21, 2007 - Post #15959
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I am in the process of migrating PhpGedView data into GenoPro (~2800 individual records), and after running reports I've noticed that place information did not carry over smoothly. Although the info is displayed correctly in the "Place Name" and "Narrative Place Name" fields (comma separated string in the field itself - city, county, state, country), GenoPro will not actually recognize these locations "intelligently" until I translate it all into the hierarchical system.

What is the quickest/easiest/recommended approach for converting this single field into the respective hierarchical fields without doing it one-by-one? I'd appreciate suggestions on how to cut down data entry time.

Edited: Sunday, January 21, 2007 by Sonnabend
Posted Sunday, January 21, 2007 - Post #15961
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May be there is another way, but I would open the table, go to places and put those columns you would like to edit next to each other and make the changes there.

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