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Translating "undo" and "redo"?

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Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - Post #18198
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One question: How can I translate "Undo" and "Redo"... they do not seem to appear in the list.
Posted Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - Post #18200
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They will be available in the next update.  The Undo and Redo contains text from the document and its translation is a bit more complex.  This is part of the 80-20 rule, where the remaining 20% of the translation will take 80% of the time.
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2007 - Post #18219
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Oh, ok. Thanks for the info.

Btw, here are some errors in original texts I've noticed so far:

* Menus - Online backup. There's a typo in status bar text, it says "bakcup".
* Tags - Object type: Shape - Arrow at Begin. This comes twice, latter should be Arrow at End.
* Tags - Object type: Social Relationships - Arrow at Begin. This comes twice, latter should be Arrow at End.
* Dialogs - AutoArrange. Step 2 is missing, step 3 is twice.

Edited: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 by Rjn
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2007 - Post #18250
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Rjn (6/27/2007)
Btw, here are some errors in original texts I've noticed so far:

* Menus - Online backup. There's a typo in status bar text, it says "bakcup".
* Tags - Object type: Shape - Arrow at Begin. This comes twice, latter should be Arrow at End.
* Tags - Object type: Social Relationships - Arrow at Begin. This comes twice, latter should be Arrow at End.
* Dialogs - AutoArrange. Step 2 is missing, step 3 is twice.

Thanks.  I fixed them.  The fixes will be available in the next update.

By the way, in the next update, you will be able to translate the "undo" and "redo".

Posted Sunday, July 1, 2007 - Post #18314
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Found another (quite funny Tongue: actually) typo in the original texts while translating :

Enumerations - PlaceCategory - Landscape: it says "Landscape (island, mountain, dessert, valley, etc.)".

As we know:
dessert (dɪ'zɜ:t) n = the sweet, usually last course of a meal.
desert ('dɛzət) n = a region that is devoid or almost devoid of vegetation, esp. because of low rainfall. BigGrin:


I think I'll be soon finishing the first round of the Finnish translation. I will check everything and think of other ways to say 'unnatural' sounding things.
I've experienced some difficulties in translating certain things.. for example:

- Emotional and Social relationships are hard because of the difference in way how we express things. In English, using prepositions, you can say "A is godfather of B" but we'd say it "A on B (possessive suffix) kummisetä".

- some other phrases are also difficult to translate because of the above and become 'unnatural'. But I will try to think of different ways to express things (that's what translating is all about in the first place, not just checking the dictionary)

- I'm having some ambiguitys like 'pastor' and 'reverend'... They both are just 'pastori' in Finnish.. any idea how I can make difference between them?

- We don't need place prefixes... disabling these as an option?

Posted Sunday, July 1, 2007 - Post #18315
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Rjn (7/1/2007)
Enumerations - PlaceCategory - Landscape: it says "Landscape (island, mountain, dessert, valley, etc.)".

As we know:
dessert (dɪ'zɜ:t) n = the sweet, usually last course of a meal.
desert ('dɛzət) n = a region that is devoid or almost devoid of vegetation, esp. because of low rainfall. BigGrin:

Thanks for pointing the typo.  I fixed it.

We don't need place prefixes... disabling these as an option?

I think they are no longer necessary.  I will leave them for a while just to make sure it does not have side-effects, and then I will write code to suppress this tag.  Yes, I need to write code, otherwise the place prefix will go as a custom tag.

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