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Advice for family tree contents?

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Author Looking for advice on what content to include and exclude in a family tree.
Posted Thursday, August 30, 2007 - Post #19055
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A friend recently asked me to help him get started in setting up his family tree.  After advising him to buy GenoPro (of course), he wanted to know who to put in the tree.  My criteria is to include all past and present family members with my surname, their spouse and offspring, and direct bloodline ancestors on the female lines.  Obviously, this is not everyone's criteria.

I would appreciate if a few of the more experienced genealogists and GenoPro users in this forum could advise me on who they include and exclude.  Is there a norm or a recommended criteria? 

Edited: Thursday, August 30, 2007 by GenoProSupport

Posted Thursday, August 30, 2007 - Post #19059
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bogistad (8/30/2007)
I would appreciate if a few of the more experienced genealogists and GenoPro users in this forum could advise me on who they include and exclude. Is there a norm or arecommended criteria?

I am not a genealogist, but a GenoPro user, who is interested to put family connections together and make it available to those interested within this circle.
So it started with myself and ancestors, then to siblings and then to partners and their ancestors and eventually also to their siblings and partners if available, but with less interest on those lines, unless closely related. A person, who is not connected, but might, is not recorded in those files. Only after I have proof that he belongs to somebody he will be connected. So overall it is an up-and-down and sideway search, trying to get data and pictures from that person or from those around that person.
Posted Friday, August 31, 2007 - Post #19064
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I'm not a genealogist - just a recorder of my family line.
I live in Australia and my intention was to trace the families back to their country of origin.
I most cases this takes me back to my great-grandparents in the early 1800s in Ireland and the U.K.

My tree only includes:-
My wife and I and our children.
Then back along our direct ancestors and their siblings.
Descendants of siblings are not included in the tree but recorded as text elsewhere as a source of further information on ancestors.
As a result my tree has only about 250 direct ancestors and their siblings.

It's a question of how far you want to go (and how much you want to spend to search the records!!).

Barry Graham
Melbourne, Australia

Posted Sunday, September 2, 2007 - Post #19089
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Thank you maru-san and Barry for your thoughts.

I will pass your information on to my friend to help him set his own criteria.

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