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In order to make the phrase with regard to collection of siblings the file Lang.vbs has to be edited and following part in Line 699 ", ToHave(i, coll)" has to be moved to end of that phrase.
Gamma Moderators Administrators FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers GenoPro version:
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There is a problem at line 71 where attribute P.DE is duplicated <N P.DE="Koganei" P.DE="小金井市" /> I've fix the line and re-uploaded the file. Can you try it?
5.10 KB)
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Please note that your answer should have been posted under Report Bugs, since this is a different problem. However I changed the line, but still receive the same error report when using the NameDictionary.xml file
Edited: Friday, March 7, 2008 by
Gamma Moderators Administrators FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers GenoPro version:
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I did my test using the Japanese Skin and the Harry-Potter sample file. Is your bug only occuring on your file? If so can you help us reproduce the error so we can fix it? We would need the sample file if needed.
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Please note that you are mixing two things:
1) The dictionary.xml file for Japanese narrative report has also no problems with my files, except for the verb (have/had) in the collection of siblings, which needs to be at the end of the phrase as stated above, therefor the change in lang.vbs (line 699). If there is a better way please tell me.
With regard to above I would like Ron to clarify the numbers used in:
`!-- 0= Personal Pronoun, 2=have/had, 3=html list of Males, Females & Unknowns--` `PhMalesFemalesUnknowns T="{ }{\U}{!0} {!1} {2h}." /`
2) the use of the NameDictionary.xml file which gives an error as stated under Bug Reports. If I remove the lines which should give Japanese names instead of the English names, the error does not show.
Edited: Saturday, March 8, 2008 by
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JcMorin (3/6/2008) The dictionary for the narrative report has been tested and uploaded to
Have updated the dictionary file and created a report in Japanese using the same gno file as the English and German report, by using the NameDictionary.xml file. (Thanks to Ron for checking) The previously uploaded file (Dictionary.xml) needs to be updated by GenoPro. To be checked by Ron: Can not get godfather/godmother entries translated.
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maru-san (3/7/2008)
Please note that you are mixing two things: 1) The dictionary.xml file for Japanese narrative report has also no problems with my files, except for the verb (have/had) in the collection of siblings, which needs to be at the end of the phrase as stated above, therefor the change in lang.vbs (line 699). If there is a better way please tell me. With regard to above I would like Ron to clarify the numbers used in: `!-- 0= Personal Pronoun, 2=have/had, 3=html list of Males, Females & Unknowns--` `PhMalesFemalesUnknowns T="{ }{\U}{!0} {!1} {2h}." /` Solved above problem: the number in front of =have/had should be 1 and the number in front of =html should be 2. By knowing this now the modification of the file lang.vbs is not necessary, only the {!1} should be placed behind {2h} in the dictionary.xml file.
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maru-san (3/8/2008) To be checked by Ron: Can not get godfather/godmother entries translated.I had overlooked godparents and marriage witnesses. I will make them translatable too. You may need to 'translate' punctuation used, such as , and & also any conjunctions such as and.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Sunday, March 9, 2008 by