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spiritual / religion history

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Author are there spiritual history symbols or can customized symbols be made?
Posted Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - Post #16115
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Dear Gen Forum,
I am a counselor in training. I am a pastor and have been using GenoPro beta. I love the software and will use it more and more in marriage and family counseling. I am wondering if someone has developed symbols to indicate spiritual history such as "church attender" or "Christian" or whatever else someone has come up with. My grandfather read the Bible and attended church. I know is area of personal history might not interest many but it does interest some. Are there symbols available?

Edited: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 by GenoProSupport
Posted Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - Post #16117
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Our "todo" list includes two additional tabs, Religion and Politics.  Both of these tabs will attempt to classify those activities, including the intensity of the religious activity.  For instance, a 1 to 10 scale would be useful to document how an individual is/was involved in a religion.0. Not involved at all in any religious event.
1. Participating about once a year to religious events.
2. Twice a year
3. A few times a year, but not a regular basis
4. Less than every week, on a semi regular-basis.
5. About every week
6. Participating about twice a week to religious events.
7. Actively talking to others to spread the God's word.
8. Some teaching position, such as "Sunday School" or other religious education.
9. Among the seniors having impact within the religious organization.
10. A religious leader, from priest/minister/rabbi and above.

These are just suggestions, however I think the Intensity field will be a good start to document religion/spiritual history.  Of course, other fields, whatever the individual believe in an "external" God or in a "self" God gives good insight about the indivdiual's beliefs.

Edited: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 by GenoProSupport
Posted Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - Post #16118
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Thanks for the information. Do you have an idea when these two new tabs will be added? Thanks for continuing to improve some very helpful software. SkypastrTongue:
Posted Wednesday, June 18, 2008 - Post #21921
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Hello, excuse me if I sound impatient, but about the topic; will these invaluable features be available in the next version of Genopro, or is there a specific date as to when these features will be already included?

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