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Well, I am up to date. Not that I was very out of date.. Still the same error. I mean, it DID work. I used it, and it was VERY useful. Now I gone done broke it.: :
John Fleming
Family Tree?? Try Family Shrub.
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Try closing some of your programs, which do run in the background, in order to minimize the use of memory. Be careful!!!
Edited: Sunday, December 21, 2008 by
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johnnycrash (12/21/2008)
Error at line 227, position 1 (Code/Utils.js) generating 'kinship.htm': Out of memory Microsoft JScript runtime error 800A0007 |
So, uh, what did I do?? The most likely cause is that you have inadvertently created a loop in your tree, e.g. making a child the parent of one of his/her own ancestors. I have managed to create the same error by doing this.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Forget my last post, it's a 'red herring'. Yes that causes an 'out of memory' error but not the same one as johnnycrash has. The problem is more likely to be a mismatch between the Config.xml file and the Kinship Calculator.js file in his skin folder (e.g. not from same version of skin). This 'out of memory' error occurs when an error message referenced in the script is not found in Config.xml. I'll fix that bug together with the loop condition shortly.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Hmm... I do have a few "loop" like structures, but I checked them, and they do not violate the time/space continuum. But there are a few creepy situations... My gggrandfather married his niece (Sisters daughter). I am a desendant of his second married... Whew!! Anyways...
I have run it with ONLY GenoPro running after a reboot, and still no joy. I am running GenoPro 2.01.6, and Kinship Calculator 2.01.7j. I am up to date. So, uh, Ron... FIX IT WILL YOU!!!!!! : :
BTW, really do appriciate the time/effort put into this. Wish I knew how to do this stuff. I used to be able to program... In Fortran and Cobal. :
John Fleming
Family Tree?? Try Family Shrub.
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Just came across a situation where the common ancestors are grgrandfather and his wife, however what is shown are more distant grandparents (8x gr grandparents), which is also correct. But should not the closest ancestors be good enough to be shown?
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Yes you are correct the closest relation should be used. Unfortunately the code at present stops after the first common ancestor is found. The fact that earlier common ancestors are selected is probably due to the order in which the target individuals are selected and/or processed. One day I would like to enhance it to search for all common ancestors but that probably will not be any day soon.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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This is an interesting tool, but it seems to leave behind some of the more extended relationships, e.g.
my mother's brother's wife's brother's daughter is coming up unrelated, instead of as my first cousin twice removed (I think)
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The tool is for direct blood relatives - it's in the title! I think your example is not direct.
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appleshaw (8/30/2009) The tool is for direct blood relatives - it's in the title! I think your example is not direct. More than agreed! It's a relationship over two marriages, but the point is actually important to an inheritance linkage, as the indicated individual is a niece and I am a nephew-in-law. I have another relationship slightly inverted (I am the nephew and the other person is a nephew-in-law). And the tool will in fact label these correctly, when pointed at the root of the relationship. I was just pointing out that an more extended tool might be interesting, as especially in places like the Appalachians, such extended relationships are "tended" with some interest.