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Hi all,
I am trying to read the data.xml file with Java and want to list marriages from the file.
For example:
X married Y on Z.
Can someone please explain how, walking through the tag to link to the two parties involved?
PATERNAL LINE: Surname: Du Bus/Du Buis/De Buys (current) Origin: Pas-De-Calais, France Current Location: Cape Town, South Africa Arrival date: 27 April 1688 on the Oosterland
MATERNAL LINE: Surname: Doggeson, Dodgshon, Dobson, Dudson, Dodgson (current) Origin: Tadcaster/Pontefract, Yorkshire, United Kingdom Current Location: South Africa Arrival date: 29 January 1962 on the Sterling Castle
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Take a look at the simple case of xml for a single family with a marriage<Individuals> <Individual ID="ind00001"> <Name>husband <Display>husband</Display> <First>husband</First> </Name> <Position BoundaryRect="-59,176,-1,117">-30,150</Position> <Gender>M</Gender> </Individual> <Individual ID="ind00002"> <Name>wife <Display>wife</Display> <First>wife</First> </Name> <Position BoundaryRect="104,176,156,117">130,150</Position> <Gender>F</Gender> </Individual> </Individuals> <Families> <Family ID="fam00001"> <Unions>marr00001</Unions> </Family> </Families> <Marriages> <Marriage ID="marr00001"> <Date>12 Feb 2010</Date> </Marriage> </Marriages> <PedigreeLinks> <PedigreeLink PedigreeLink="Parent" Family="fam00001" Individual="ind00001"/> <PedigreeLink PedigreeLink="Parent" Family="fam00001" Individual="ind00002"/> </PedigreeLinks>
For marriages you need to all Family tags that have a Unions sub tag. Use the contents of the Unions tag, e.g. marr00001 above, to find the related Marriage tag and get the Date . (Note that there can be more than one Marriage ID in the Unions tag, separated by commas). Using the ID attribute value of each Family find associated PedigreeLink s with a corresponding Family attribute (e.g. fam00001 in the above). From these use the Individual attributes to get the partners of the family/marriage, getting their names from the Name tags of the associated Individual s.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Friday, February 12, 2010 by
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Posts: 15,
Visits: 75
Hi there,
Thank you Ron, your reply was exactly what I needed.
I have written a Java console application which, given a .gno file, will list births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, burials and cremations which occurred on today's date. Sort of like a "Today in history".
I'm willing to email the app to who ever wants to use it? Please email me directly should you want a copy of it. It's not very big.
PATERNAL LINE: Surname: Du Bus/Du Buis/De Buys (current) Origin: Pas-De-Calais, France Current Location: Cape Town, South Africa Arrival date: 27 April 1688 on the Oosterland
MATERNAL LINE: Surname: Doggeson, Dodgshon, Dobson, Dudson, Dodgson (current) Origin: Tadcaster/Pontefract, Yorkshire, United Kingdom Current Location: South Africa Arrival date: 29 January 1962 on the Sterling Castle