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...or do I have to generate the entire tree branch (genomap) or entire tree? I tried the Resume Report. That did not work because I discovered that it is for publishing for FTP.Thanks, Mark Smith
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To clarify...Can I add just one pix to an already existing tree?Mark Smith
Edited: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 by
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You can add a picture with ftp but you also need to add the htm files that refer to it. Main one obviously will be the individual name but also the references contained in toc_pictures & toc_individuals.
Other files may be needed if the picture is somewhere else, eg a wedding.
If a picture is used in more than one place this can be seen from GenoPro table where the column References will show where it is used
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Thank you very much, both of you! I'm downloading the FTP Client now. It looks like it will make things easier  Mark
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appleshaw - Will I need to find genomap.htm, or genomap.svg? Maybe it's just me, but I can't seem to find those files that refer to my specific pix, etc. I can of course access my .gno file for the entire tree but I don't see the individual person (genomap).
Edited: Friday, May 21, 2010 by
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Mark What I would do, and hope nothing is forgotten :
1 Make sure to have a new version of the report on my home PC to include the new picture
2 Locate on the PC the file with the name of the individual which will look like Seal-Ann-ind00769.htm (the number here is the id reference in GenoPro)
3 ftp to the correct directory on the server
4 Locate toc_pictures.htm & toc_individuals.htm and ftp
5 Reload the web page and if not correct first time use the Refresh feature to make sure your PC is using the latest version and not taking it from cahe.
You might need some of the other toc files but I think individuals is the main page one indicating an image is available. Obviously put the new pictures in the same directory as the others
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I don't know. I just did everything you said, twice, and it didn't seem to work. After each attempt I hit the Refresh button, but still no picture. I even went one by one and FTPed on each of the other .toc files to see if one of them worked, and refreshed after each try.Maybe something is funky with my computer, because when I went to add the new pix to my person suddenly all of the pix that were there were not! Strange. (They were on the GenPro's Server of course). But I could see my new added pix in my GP program, so I went ahead and did everything you said. It's difficult to believe that it's this hard to have individual control in uploading to the GP server (especially when they made FTP Client to be easy), and that I appear to instead be religated to uploading each Genomap or even the whole entire tree. Mark
Edited: Saturday, May 22, 2010 by
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MarkOK, next step - I have not done this before so hope this works. 1 Generate the new version on your PC (OK you have done this) 2 Open in Explorer the directory which contains this new report 3 Use Search to identify all files containing the text 'pix.jpg'. In my test case looking for ns1306.jpg it found this and 4 web pages ie htm files. There is also an xml file which you could exclude from the report using the box on the Privacy tab 4 Try sending these and see if you get the picture in your browser. You might later need some other index files. (you will not need to send the xml file for the report to work)
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I am currently having computer problems and need to focus on that. I'm gauranteeing that my data is safe. I'll copy your info for when I can get back to dealing with this. Thank you for all your help I appreciate it!