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Last Login: Monday, September 13, 2010
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Hi to all.
I know how to create a new legend, for example a medical genogram legend ( at least i think...) but not how to save this legend as a new one: anyone can help me?
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Can you please elaborate your questions, I am not sure what you mean by "save this legend as a new one".
Do you wish to use the same legend for another file, or use this legend for a template? Have you tried copy & paste?
Forum Members GenoPro version:
Last Login: Monday, September 13, 2010
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GenoProSupport (9/13/2010) Can you please elaborate your questions, I am not sure what you mean by "save this legend as a new one".
Do you wish to use the same legend for another file, or use this legend for a template?
Have you tried copy & paste? Thanks for you answer first.
Here it's written that "Once your legend is completed, be sure to save a copy of your legend for future documents."
So, how to save the new medical legend created? Yes I need to use the same legend for different files and family projects possibly without to copy and paste it if it's possible.
Edited: Monday, September 13, 2010 by
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173376 (9/13/2010)[So, how to save the new medical legend created? Yes I need to use the same legend for different files and family projects possibly without to copy and paste it if it's possible.
I suggest you create a .gno file with only your new legend in it, then save it as a GenoPro Gedcom file using File/Export File../Export to GEDCOM format. (N.B. Do not use Export to Gedcom via the Report Generator for this) Then when you need to insert the legend, simply use File/Import File and specify the file containing your saved legend. Ensure you do not have 'Skip Auto Arrange' checked under the Options tab of the Import File dialog/
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