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User-defined dates

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Posted Saturday, January 29, 2011 - Post #27479
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I hope this is the right place for this...

In GenoPro 2007, it was possible to set a user-defined date, rather than GenoPro assuming the system date as the current 'now'. As I use GenoPro to keep track of numerous characters and their relationships for a novel that I am writing, I need to be able to set a different date than my system clock. I have just installed GenoPro 2011 as I have upgraded my PC, and I can't find anywhere to set a user defined date (I believe it used to be in the Tools>Options from the menu-bar).

After checking some of my old posts from 2007, I requested that user defined dates also be able to be stored with individual genograms, as I have several for different years in my novel (eg 1052, 1081, 1104) as I move into different generations. It was posted that the inention was to introduce this in the next release of GenoPro.

Has this been implemented? And, if so, where is the date set?

Thanks in advance, and still a great program!

Posted Saturday, January 29, 2011 - Post #27484
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Is this what you what?

Right Click on any genomap tab, select 'List GenoMaps..', enter date in  'Date Reference' column as required.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Saturday, January 29, 2011 by Ron
Posted Saturday, January 29, 2011 - Post #27485
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It worked straight away, and now I can set different dates for each genomap! Exactly what I requested in my previous posts.

Thanks for your work, your support, and listenting you your users requests and suggestions.


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