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Ron, I recently went from 3965 Individuals and 1312 Families on my Family Tree and updated the contents today to be over 4075 Individuals and found on compiling the report the Index on the left hand side is now in compact mode. The default setting was not changed on compilation. To further test this out I used my regular test tree with only 6 people which had exactly the same default settings as before for the large family tree and the resultant Index on the report was in expanded mode. I seem to remember seeing something about a possible limit at which the index defaults to compact mode. Is my memory true and what is the limit, is it 4000, and can it be extended as I like to have the names showing on the left. I know that you can list the surnames in the main frame, but by using the left index it is easier to search rapidly. / Stuart
Edited: Friday, March 4, 2011 by
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I admit I am a mere novice.. how can you squeeze in 3 siblings w 2 to 3 children of their own in a small space ?
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Stuart, it must be something else on Familytrees.genopro that has changed, as one of my small trees of 300 has done the same when uploaded recently. I have another tree with 10,000 individuals (not updated recently) and it continues to show the index.
Poolzone a mere cog in a revolution
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Thanks Poolzone for the reply. My tree is hosted on my own private family website, but it is interesting to see that you have seen this issue also. It may be a code problem then. Lets see what Ron says. Thanks again. / Stuart
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There has been no intentional change regarding the index and after a couple of quick tests nothing appears different to me but I may be wrong.
There is an option to control it in the Configuration Parameters dialogue presentation settings and the default value is 1000, i.e. more than 1000 individuals before the tree index is initially displayed as collapsed. Is it possible that you set yours to 4000 sometime in the past? Set to -1 to always expand the tree.
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The -1 setting worked perfectly Ron, thanks. The problem was the operator and his glasses which could not focus on the pop-up help message before it flashed off. Any chance of changing the period timer for us old folks !!! / Stuart
Administrators Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Stuart (05-Mar-2011) Any chance of changing the period timer for us old folks !!! The 'popup' or tooltip is generated automatically from an HTML 'title' attribute by the browser (i.e. IE) and so it is out of my control. Just try not to blink when it is on screen
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"