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Is possible automatic label for family/union object?

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Posted Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - Post #29626
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Last Login: Sunday, February 5, 2012
Posts: 4, Visits: 21
Is it possible to have automatic label for family/union object?
I would like to click "Display" menu and select some kind of information, for example marriage date, and this would be shown in diagram as family/union label.

It should be same as is already possible for persons - when I can click "Display" menu and select year of birth, death, ID, comment etc.

I know I can set every label manually, but automatic marriage label would save lot of time and possible mistakes.

Posted Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - Post #29627
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Last Login: Sunday, February 5, 2012
Posts: 4, Visits: 21
OK, I always find answer after I ask someone...
But, it's only partial solution...
Maybe it would be useful for some beginner with GenoPro like me Smile

So semi-automatic solution is:
1) open "Table layout view"
2) show Families
3) right click any column and click "copy column"
4) right click FIRST cell in column called "Display text" and click paste

Anyway, if someone knows any fully automatic solution, or if it would become new feature in next version, I would like it very much!

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