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Auto Expand Name Index

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Author How to ...
Posted Friday, March 9, 2012 - Post #29902
Forum Guru

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Last Login: Thursday, June 2, 2022
Posts: 108, Visits: 1,280
If you're referring to the name index - the width of the index is 30% of the browser's width. Alter the size of your browser window, and you will see the width of the pop up index vary accordingly.

If you want to increase it above 30%, then this is isn't configurable from the interface, but you can change it by creating a custom version of the narrative report.

To do this:

Go to the Tools menu and select Generate Report.
Select the narrative report in the "Skin Name" box, and click the Edit Skin button.
You can then customise the skin.

You need to edit default.htm, and change the value of 30% in the following two lines to something that suits you better:

line 24
var saveLower=saveLower2="30%,*", minLower=minLower2="0,*";

line 85
    <frameset id="lower" cols="@[Report.Write Util.IfElse(Session("fAutoHideTOC"),"0,*"," 30%,*")]@">

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