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Trim accidental spaces

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Author When a field entry consist only of blank spaces, how to skip it in report?
Posted Friday, July 13, 2012 - Post #30364
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I am helping my father in his project. He has almost 3000 entries and I just noticed that for some unknown reason, he has while putting in information entered only blank (space) to some fields. This now generates "bad" reports as the code thinks that there is something there - if only the field would be completely empty I would not have any issues. Is there a simple way somehow to trim/remove the leading spaces? It's not very convenient to check manually all the fields in those 3000 entries, so please help Smile

Example. Person's name is John Doe. Father is Jack Doe but mother is unkown and thus should be left out, but while entering the input data, space was pressed from the keyboard and thus the field has data - " ". While generating report, I thus get:

John Doe's father is Jack Doe and mother is .

Posted Friday, July 13, 2012 - Post #30365
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One way to replace spaces in fields with a blank entry is to use Find & Replace.  e.g. Click Table Layout / Individuals.., then right click on a column header of a field that has space entries and choose Find & Replace... at the top. Then click the Pick button and select the entry with space(s) at the top and click Ok, finally click Replace All.

Repeat this for all fields with blanks. If a field sometimes has one blank and sometimes two then repeat for each.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, July 13, 2012 - Post #30367
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Last Login: Sunday, October 16, 2016
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Thanks for the tip, it did the trick.

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