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Is it just me or is the variable fSVGZoomExtent not working anymore? When I generate a report my GenoMaps open zoomed in instead of showing the whole genomap. I have tried the following:
1. Set "Show initial view of the SVG graphic as the whole of the GenoMap." to 'yes' in the English Narrative Report dialogue. 2. Customized the config.xml by setting the Default parameter fSVGZoomExtent to "Y". 3. Created a Document Custom Tag named fSVGZoomExtent and set it to Y. 4. I zoomed the genomap in GenoPro to show the whole genomap and bookmarked it then generated the report. 5. I also completely reinstalled GenoPro making sure to delete the skins folder and attempted all the above with a fresh Custom Narrative Report. None of these changes help in showing the whole GenoMap on the initial view. I would like some help in figuring out what it is I'm doing wrong.
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No it is not just you and you are doing nothing wrong.
Zoom extents seems to be broken at present. Probably happened when I updated the zoom/pan code to support most browsers with the 'google map' style control. I noticed a typo in genomap.htm where ShowExtents in the mapInfo object should be ZoomExtent. I just tried this correction but the problem is still not fixed. The genomap is then scaled correctly but is positioned off the page. I hope to have a fix soon so watch this space...
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Thank you Ron for making me feel a little more sane! If it makes you feel any better, I tried the same fix you did with the same results. Happy to know the zoomextent works and looking forward to the fix for the positioning!
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Firstly I have split this thread off as a separate topic as the original title did not match this issue. Unfortunately I have not been able to change this thread's title! Could you edit your 1st post to change the title please. E.g. 'SVG Zoom Extent not working'
I think I have a fix for it. Attached are replacement genomap.htm and scripts/script.es files. I will see if I can prepare a revised skin over the next few days. There are other issues I am hoping to fix first.
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Many many thanks for the fix! I replaced the script.es file and used my old genomap.htm file with the edit to the mapInfo object like you mentioned above and it works. I've made my own previous edits in my genomap.htm so I don't want to redo all the edits if you have only made the one edit. Can you just let me know if you've made more edits to the genomap.htm please! If yes, I will replace and add back in my edits. I notice that the SVG (with the fix) always zooms to show the whole SVG even when you click on a hyperlink to another individual. Is this by design? Was this always the case before when it worked? It seems the genomap should zoom in on an individual if you click on a hyperlink to them. Zooming to extent seems to be appropriate if you access the genomap from outside the genomap, i.e. a link to a genomap. Please let me know if I'm not clear in what I'm describing. If this can't be done, I do remember a while ago having the zoomextent button  in the report. What happened to that? By the way, I don't know if it's the fix, but the zoomextent works really well on the larger genomaps that I have. I was having problems zooming out on them a while back. It's really great what you've done with the svg Ron. I have tried to edit the post title but am having no luck. Hopefully Dan or JC will read and edit it.
Edited: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 by
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That was the only edit to genomap.htm. Do you think any of your personal edits are of interest to anyone else? I'm happy to consider changes and improvements.
Yes you are correct about the action when linking to an individual on a SVG genomap. It should not be zoomed in or out but displayed original size with a 'highlight' ring around the individual. A simple change to script.es fixes this, revision attached. The zoom to extents button was dropped when I revised the zoom/pan code. It could possibly be added to the 'map' control. another useful addition would be zoom to rectangle (drawn with mouse) if only I knew how to code it! I don't profess to understand the matrix transformations used in SVG zoom/pan and elsewhere, I just bolt in code written by others and after a lot of trial and error I sometimes eventually get it working.  I think the SVG performance of browsers has improved. I mainly use Google Chrome and it does seem a bit snappier these days. It has certainly come a long way since the days of the Adobe plugin. I have just started playing with Javascript SVG frameworks such as RaphaelJs and Graphiti and think they offer great potential for an SVG based report.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Thank you for turning this around so fast. The new script.es is working great! Go ahead and talk up improved browser SVG performance, but there's no denying your work on the SVG for the genomaps has been great.
My edits to genomap.htm are mainly adding navigation links to my website, a personal header and footer and links to a few scripts. I generate the genomaps from the report generator, add them to my website and link to and from them from other pages on my website. I really don't think my edits will be any use to other users, or an improvement for that matter. The option to have the zoom to extent button on the 'map' control would be nice. I even think simple text saying something like "click to view the whole genomap" somewhere on the SVG or the Genomap.htm with the same function would be just as good. Click and drag zoom would be a really nice feature too. You can figure it out can't you? 
I checked out RaphaelJS and made a quick attempt at one of the demos for the reflective image. Wow! A very nice alternative to editing every image in photoshop to achieve this effect. I will most definitely (in time) add this to my website, so thank you for pointing me in that direction. It really gets the imagination working on what could be attempted with the SVG genomaps. You mentioned an "SVG based report", so I'm sure you have ideas of your own.