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GenoPro for Macintosh

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Author Drawing a Genogram programatically / GenoPro for Apple Macintosh
Posted Monday, September 25, 2006 - Post #13366
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pixuk (8/9/2005)

Having tried practically every other piece of software, I keep coming back to GenoPro as my software of choice, and it's probably due to the elegant way it lets you add family members via the Genogram. However, I'm on a Mac, so I currently have to do this via VirtualPC, which isn't ideal. Sad

So, being a programmer, I have this big hairy amibition to write a GenoPro-like program for the Mac. This may go nowhere, but I'd like to give it a stab. The shot in the arm for such a development project would be understanding the programming logic behind drawing the Genogram - any chance you could share that info? I'd fully understand if you'd rather not.


Yeah I am another Mac fan of GenoPro and I always recommend it to new found cousins who are PC based, who I have to share data with. I would use a Mac version if one were to be developed. I use "Reunion" family tree program and I would love to see the drawing aspect of Genopro in it. Smile

Regards Michael

Edited: Monday, September 25, 2006 by Michael De La Motte
Posted Monday, September 25, 2006 - Post #13371
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pixuk (8/9/2005)

Having tried practically every other piece of software, I keep coming back to GenoPro as my software of choice, and it's probably due to the elegant way it lets you add family members via the Genogram. However, I'm on a Mac, so I currently have to do this via VirtualPC, which isn't ideal. Sad Pete

I would be interested to know how you get "Virtual PC" to work on your "Mac" as you might notice on the last page I mentioned a cousin who bought GenoPro but had no success with "Virtual PC" on his "Mac".

Could you please explain what is needed to get it to work so that I might help him set it up ?

Posted Saturday, February 2, 2008 - Post #20665
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Dear Folks,

I am a psychotherapist and need a simple to use genogram maker with readily available phone support that can be used on a Mac. I will gladly pay for this product and the phone support time. If you do not offer such a genogram maker would you please refer me to someone who may offer this service. Also, I do not have clue what this site is about or how to use it. If you have an answer to my need would you please email me at: fritzlan at comcast dot net

Thank you,

Larry Fritzlan

Edited: Saturday, February 2, 2008 by
Posted Friday, March 26, 2010 - Post #25703
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Just saw this string. Has anything developed on the MAC version of genopro?w00t

Posted Saturday, March 27, 2010 - Post #25706
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The only changes are with the Mac itself. Latest models use Intel chips and so can also run an alternative Windows OS. Older models need a different approach.
Mac OS is Unix-like and as such there is a Mac version of Wine which allows Windows programs to run.
On Unix/Linux Pcs GenoPro can run under Wine - search the forum about this and also the Help file. The main problem at present is that the Report Writer does not work - at least with my version of Linux/Wine.
Posted Sunday, May 23, 2010 - Post #25929
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Hi, guys. I would love to see GenoPro become available for the Mac environment! Would the Mac software be capable of reading a GenoPro data file originally created in the PC environment? That would be REALLY GREAT! Include that if you can, if you ever do this project . . . thanks!!!! Would hate to lose all the data I've gathered on my family and have to start over just because I can't transfer the file onto my Mac . . .

Posted Monday, May 24, 2010 - Post #25930
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GenoPro data is in xml format so there is no problem reading it. It is essentially a text file containing format details (as text). As such a Mac will be able to read it.

If you look at the back history it is very unlikely there will be a Mac version of GenoPro so Mac users will have to use one of the ways to run PC software

Posted Monday, April 7, 2014 - Post #33406
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I'm guessing since 9 years have gone by it didn't happen. It's a shame, really, there's still no new softwares that match how good GenoPro is!

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