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Extra info for places and locations not handled correctly

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Author Generates "The address of ... is ..."
Posted Sunday, March 15, 2015 - Post #34770
Famous Writer

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GenoPro & English Narrative Report 2015.03.14

When clicking on place names like "Antwerpen" in the text below, a window pops up with some more information.

This is the behaviour I expect.

If I add some extra information (using Table Layout / Places and Locations), like I did for "Orlando" below ...

... then clicking on "Orlando" produces a whole different text:

The line starting with "The address of ..." should just read "Florida (FL), USA", no?
Posted Monday, March 16, 2015 - Post #34774
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Maybe I am missing your point here Nand but my view is that it is working to design rather than not being handled correctly.  It is a narrative style report but in your first example there is no data to report on other than a place name that is used as the page title and details where it is referenced. The second example has components of an address for the place. In the Narrative Report I try to place the available data into sentences rather than just list the data items to make the context clear.  Whilst Florida USA is obviously a state and country forming an address (or part thereof) to most viewers this is not always the case.  

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Monday, March 16, 2015 - Post #34775
Famous Writer

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Well, to be honest, what I expected to see was the following:

And by the way, this is what you get to see when you are prompted for the place name in the properties window of an individual (this time with Brussels as an example).

Here it behaves as I expected.  A simple qualification clarifying which locations exist starting with "Bru*".

The main idea behind this is that - in the report - you would only see the name of the location like in "X was born in Brussels".  No further details.
And when you click on the text "Brussels" it would give you more details about the place actually mentioned.

I'm not sure if this is clear.  If needed I can work out another example.
Posted Monday, March 16, 2015 - Post #34776
Famous Writer

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Maybe it is just the term "address" that I'm not used to see in this context.

For me, being non-English, an address is a street name, a house number, a city and (optionally) a country.
Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - Post #34783
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Having done some tests with the Dictionary phrase PhPlaceDescription using GenoPro's phrase editor it appears it has problems with some combinations of data items. 
I can drop the word 'address' from the phrase and just have something like Orlando is in Florida (FL), USA for example, but I need to fix the other issues too.  Also the Place Description field needs to be reported differently, e.g. more like a comment.

Another useful improvement would be to add a title attribute to the place link in the report containing the (partial) address so that when hovering over your link for example a text tip box Florida (FL), USA would appear.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - Post #34787
Famous Writer

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Oh yes, a tooltiptext would be very nice since it would probably remove the need for having to click on the place name at all.

I've been playing a bit with the PhPlaceDescription directive myself in the meanwhile and decided to keep it simple and just generate something like Orlando, Florida (FL), USA.  I don't want to "teach" people about where they have to look in order to find e.g. Orlando, but just want to "clarify" which Orlando I mean.  I hope this makes sense.

Thanks again.

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