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GenoPro Support Forum

New Forum Software for

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Author May I suggest Discourse as the software for the new forum? It's been designed to repair a bunch of the issues with traditional forum software, and it's open-source into the bargain.
Posted Friday, January 22, 2016 - Post #36567
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Over in Better AutoArrange, GenoProSupport wrote:

This support forum is not good.  At the time we purchased a license for the forum, it was among the best, however we had to modify the code to integrate it with the rest of our systems, including the support ticket, which broke with a new .NET update.  What I have in mind is to use GenoProX as our support system, as we already have a group chat working.  Also, people who help other GenoPro users will receive points which they will earn titles (similar as online games) and better, redeem those points for GenoProX products.

May I suggest Discourse as the software for the new forum? It's been designed to repair a bunch of the issues with traditional forum software, and it's open-source into the bargain.

Edited: Monday, January 25, 2016 by GenoProSupport
Posted Monday, January 25, 2016 - Post #36577
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Thank you George for your suggestion.  We will look at all options for the future.  Changing forum probably means we may lose all the posts, so we have to weight carefully all the pros and cons.
Posted Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Post #36587
Famous Writer

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This forum is a nightmare for people who do not check the posts at least once a week.  This has nothing to do with software.  It's all about organisation.  Finding your way around as a newcomer is close to impossible.

Just as an example, there is a general forum about "announcements and forum rules" and its last post (sic) dates from December 7, 2011.  Unfortunately, this is where a newcomer will look first.

We don't need a new tool.  We need to clean-up this forum by removing the rubbish and moving topics to where they belong.

Sorry if these statements sound blunt or rude (I can hide behind the fact that I'm not a native English person), but this is how it feels to me. 
Posted Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Post #36589
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I agree with you Nand.  For myself, I also find the search facility lacking, as sometimes I want to link to an old post which I know I wrote years ago, however cannot find it.

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