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Have reached 1001 genomaps and can not insert any more? Is this the limit?
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Yes, you have reached the limit. The GenoMaps have been one of greatest hack of GenoPro. In 2003 (15 years) ago someone suggested to have sheets (similar as Excel) and I started working on it, however at that time GenoPro was using a binary format, so in order to maintain backward compatibility I found 10 bits of unused storage per object, thus allowing 2^10 = 1024 GenoMaps. What GenoPro does internally is it skips every drawing object not matching the selected GenoMap. This is not elegant, but it worked relatively well for 15 years.
To be safe I have been limiting the GenoMaps to 1000, however I can increase this value to 1023 and make you a special build. GenoProX does not have this limitation. The architecture of GenoProX treats every GenoMap as a distinct drawing surface, thus you can have as many GenoMaps as you have memory on your computer, and with the 64 bit version, this is a lot!!! Would you like me to make you a build for an additional 23 GenoMaps?
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Thanks for yr explanation. Any time you may use for this special version is lost time for finishing the GenoproX. I will wait until ......?
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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I could add one genomap by "insert genomap" via right klick menu. I could not create a new genomap via highlight a selected familiy, right click menu "move to genomap" > "new genomap", it moves into another existing genomap.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Well I guess the fix was not so simple, however this is my fault. I used hardcoded values of 1000 in the code rather than to refer to #define or const variable.
I updated the executable InstallGenoProMaruSan.exe with a fix. Please let me know if it works properly.
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Thank you, yes it works ok.