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Yes it did work, I can see it. You need to refresh your browser or clear the cache. But for GenoPro 2018, as I have told you before, you need media/ not pictures/ for your home page images.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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With 2018 not work, I did all, but not work
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As I have already stated, for GenoPro 2018 photos are stored in media folder and not pictures folder. The files must also be referenced in a Picture tab of some other object, Label, Source Citation etc. Instead of referencing via Picture tag you can also use GenoPro FTP Client to copy the photos directly to the media folder in the published report on familytrees.genopro.com
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Saturday, March 23, 2019 by
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I did all, but not work again: |
Administrators Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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I did all, but not work again: |
But is IS working, except that one photo is not referenced in a Picture tab of your .gno.
Also, as I have said elsewhere, use your username, jurela, NOT your email address when generating the report. The report does exist but see the URL below |
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Again, unfortunate, not work: |
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When I view your report alperovich_vremenno on familytrees it has exactly the same error as the previous one, alperovich_vremenno2, i.e. one of the images is not present in the media folder of the published report.
see:  Again I recommend you use use GenoPro FTP Client to copy the photos directly to the media folder in the published report and then there is no need to reference the images in a Picture tab of anotherr object e.g. Label
e.g. copy 10.semja_Alperovich_i_Borja.jpg to familytrees.genopro.com/jurela/alperovich_vremenno/media
I also notice you have an extra spaces in the name. These should be removed.
Наша семья в 1963 году <?html?><img src="media/10.semja_Alperovich_i_Borja.jpg " width="25%" > <?html?> <?html?><img src="media/GeneologijaTree.jpg " width="35%" ><?html?> <?html?><img src="media/NashaSemjaV2016.jpg " width="30%" ><?html?><?html?> <img src="media/teksti.jpg " <?html?> |
p.s. I am unable to read the red error messages in your first screenshot as they are not very clear.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Dear Master!If you have free time, wait your help!
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